

8 Years
Apr 2, 2014
i have an assail rooster which i inherited from my son in law,being an animal lover i took pity on it as it was bullied (at least i think so ) it could of been the aggressor for all i know,anyway it was in a pretty bad state feathers missing all up the neck and head was a mess where it was pecked, i took it in and treated it like my baby it used to cuddle me and i loved it,all the time i was unaware it was a rooster, i grew so attached i kept it thinking of having eggs as i love it grew we realized it was a rooster, it started being rely aggressive i mean rely bad it attacks me any chance it gets, i have been black an blue were its jumped at me and with one fail swoop u wouldn't believe the damage with its claws up my legs, and it has not even got its spurs yet (god forbid )people keep saying eat it but i still love him, i could never kill him.What i have done is introduced a hen and they are in love its so funny to see.He still goes for me but he has settled down a lot, as he was pacing around before when i put him in his pen ,we built him a big run and a chicken coop and his much happier.His hen who is also the same breed is lovely shes so friendly and real cute,i only had her a week and shes laid an egg every day.I have been looking on here to find out info on the eggs and finding out if there OK to eat.I will say she hatches an egg and then just leaves it in the coop nest box and goes gallivanting with her rooster LOL,I have been removing the eggs as they been stone cold .Any advice is welcomed.Lozzy

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