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I have two. One is a really big box-shape, with wooden lattice overlay on a plywood frame and metal screen. Branching off of it is what I call the 'sunroom', because it doesn't have a roof. The girlies go in there to dustbathe and enjoy the sunshine. The other coop is similar in shape, but with a much thinner plywood frame, no lattice, and an overall smaller size, a coop built to house banties.

What breeds do you own?
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I have rhode island red, black australorp, easter eggers, light brahmas, buff orpingtons, turkens, partridge cochins, and mutts.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Editor for novels. It'd be so cool to be able to read good books first, even if they don't get published.

How do you feel about raising and eating your own chickens?
Good, I like being self sufficent. I don't like eating the factory farmed chicken in the store, to me thats the same as supporting the cruelty

Same question
It would definitely be wierd for me, as I somehow manage to very closely bond to my chickens. I haven't processed my own birds before, because the ones I own so far are for eggs, and as pets. Being self-sufficient though is nice.

What chicken breed do you dream of owning most?
Silkies. I've heard they go broody and I'd love a broody hen. Also, they're quite cute!

What country do you wish you could visit?

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