Assisting a chick HELP


10 Years
Apr 13, 2013
I have been reading a following the steps on the step by step guide. It has been VERY helpful. I have one question. We had three eggs that did not hatch. We followed the steps and at the making a pip stage we discovered two were dead. They float tested ok but the insides were NOT ok. The third however I am suspecting is malpositioned. We have made a pip and could not find a beak so the air sac part of the shell is off but the membrane inside is NOT broken. My question is should the chick be moving around. We have NO movement and NO peeping. I can clearly see a wet fuzzy chick inside the membrane. It is on the stove staying warm ( we were hatching under mother hen). With no movement is it dead?? Or do I wait a little longer or try harder to find the beak?? Thanks for any and all help. Lori
I did look at those pics and I think it may be #2 because we can see a foot at the top edge by the air cell. Should it be moving though?? I felt around with a wet finger to see If I could feel the beak and it still doesn;t move???
Thanks for the help. We peeled back the shell and still no movement. Finally had to accept the fact that it was already dead. :-( It was a good learning experience and we took the opportunity to open up the membrane and learn what we could.

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