at a loss!!!


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2015
I posted a while ago explaining about my chick that is now 5 weeks old at 3 weeks she stopped walking she's eating drinking and her poop is completely normal she chirps and everything else but her legs are always straight out and she has no movement in her toes or feet just her legs anyone got ideas Oh she's been on vitamin supplements for a while now
Do you have a picture? Sounds like she may have spradle legs. If so you can use a bandaid and attach it from one leg to the other leaving normal space between the two. You would have to keep an eye on the chick and re-attach it when or if it comes loose. It may take a few days but it should fix the problem. However, without a picture to see what you are talking about this is only a guess.
Sounds like that to me too. If you know of somebody in the medical profession see if they can get you some "Coban" or "Coflex" may can buy it at drug stores but not sure. It's that colorful tape-looking stuff they put around your arm after they do blood tests. It sticks to itself but not to their legs so works really good for this problem (if that's what it is). Good luck with your baby!
she's been this way for 2 weeks or more now
Sounds like that to me too. If you know of somebody in the medical profession see if they can get you some "Coban" or "Coflex" may can buy it at drug stores but not sure. It's that colorful tape-looking stuff they put around your arm after they do blood tests. It sticks to itself but not to their legs so works really good for this problem (if that's what it is). Good luck with your baby!
You can buy it at some animal supply stores too, under the brand name VetWrap!
That does not look like spraddle leg. I'm thinking it's something more ominous. She doesn't walk at all? Does she get around at all? You might want to do a little reading re: Marek's disease.
I don't know how it's possible she would get it she's never left the house all my other chickens are healthy and I never touch them without latex gloves I did notice that her 1 leg is crooked
That's what iv been told by a lot of people but that's the only symptom of that disease she has she hasn't lost weight she has no balance and her one leg is twisted outwards her eyes are normal color pupils are normal size comb is pink and she eats and drinks a lot and normal poop

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