At how many weeks should we expect eggs?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Hello! I have 6 red sex link chickies and they are about 8.5 weeks. I'm not expecting eggs until July-ish but I'm just wondering what is normal time for when hens start laying?
My old ones started when they were around 5 months, although I have hear that some start earlier, around 4 months.
Mine were 31-34 weeks or so when they started. BUT I got fall chicks, so they waited until it started warming up a bit in March to begin laying. Might have been different if they were spring chicks.
My oldest are the BSL and they are twenty three weeks and started on laying pelletts three weeks ago and I am still waiting for eggs! I know be patient once they start laying there will be a bumper crop!

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