At what age do EE's typically lay?


11 Years
May 23, 2008
Peterborough, ON
I'm just curious, I have 5 and I'm dying to find out what colour their eggs are
Hahahaha all three of mine laid at different at 18 weeks, one at 22 weeks and one at 25 weeks. So, hang in there...they will be some shade of green.
Oh geez, my other hens are crossbreeds too (RIR, Col. Rock crosses) and they all laid more or less around 20 weeks. My EE's are only 15 weeks LOL so I know I have a ways to go, but I'm so darn excited!
I started out with 4 straight run EE chicks. My luck, I only had one pullet. This year's pullets are two golden comets, one EE, and one game hen. One comet laid at 18 weeks. My EE just started at 19 weeks. I had hoped for blue or green eggs. Again my luck, she lays light brown eggs. I separated her just to be sure she was the one laying the light brown egg. She was. The golden comet lays a darker brown egg. Hope yours lays soon and that you get some good colors.
I have a blue ameraucana pullet that will be 1 year old next month. WILL SHE EVER LAY?

I have 25 week old wheaten ameraucanas. Still no eggs

(also no eggs from my 25 week old Speckled Sussex nor my GC Maran)

What am I doing wrong?

The only one of the group that is laying is the CA white leghorn and the black star and they lay almost every day.
I have 5 EE hens also. My first EE laid her first egg at 17 weeks old and then 3 more girls started laying the following week at 18 week, the last girl started laying at 22 weeks old but it was worth the wait, she gave me the blue egg i was hoping to get. I was so excited about my first 5 EE girls that i went and got 4 more girls that are now 12 weeks old.

This picture has been shown on here a couple of times...okay, a few times but you may have missed it. My EE's gave me all the colors of the rainbow !! The top right egg is from my SLW and the center egg is from my RIR the rest are the EE's eggs. None of them lay the same color, its so exciting.

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Here is one more picture for raise your excitement level.
Some of your first eggs might be odd shaped and stuff, so dont panic. How old are your girls? Please post pictures of your girls and their eggs .

In this picture only 4 of my EE's were laying, so there are 2 sets of eggs the same colorand then one aqua that i collected over a 2 day period. I just wanted you to show you that the EE's even lay pink eggs. I couldnt believe my eggs when i opened the nest box and there was a pink egg! The light brown egg is from my SLW.

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I was wondering the same thing about my EE's! I asked the lady at the farmer's market that I knew had EE's - she said that I had until probably Nov.!
I don't want to have to wait that long! She said that her EE have always been late layers. I don't want the wait a year though! But I have some Marans starting to lay sooner I think...Their eggs should be pretty! Anything the color of chocolate is good right!? I will be waiting patiently...for my three girls to lay and when they do it better be a colored egg!

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