ATTACK-I witnessed a hawk flying away with my chick!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 10, 2011
First of all I live in the suburbs and have never seen a hawk anywhere around the property since we moved in 5 years ago.

I'm a little horrified as I actually saw this hawk flying away with my favorite bird.
I've been letting my chicks outside with me while we finish up the coop and run. They love pecking and scratching and running around in our protected fenced yard and flower beds. They have a special spot protected under bushes they can dig in the loose dirt. We spend about an hour a day out; Supervised by not only me, but my trustworthy protective dog. (go to my page, look at my pictures, you'll see what I mean).
Yesterday evening we were all out. Chicks (who are fully feathered at 5 weeks) are all (all five of them) under their favorite bush. My baby girl is hungry so I go inside and get her some food. I'm watching the chicks through the window. Look away for a second (after watching them for about 5 minutes) and they're all gone. 'That was quick' I thought. Go outside to check and I SEE A HAWK ABOUT 15 FEET AWAY FROM ME, FLYING UNDER THE LARGE TREE WITH OUR FAVORITE CHICK IN ITS GRASP! Of course this is the chick that runs up to you first, follows me around the garden beds because she knows she gets treats from me. Rides on my daughters sholder, and my dogs head. Berry the Barred Plymouth Rock. She was special!
To think the only reason the hawk got away with this is because MY DOG FOLLOWED ME INSIDE TO THE KITCHEN. (She loves watching over the chicks, but she loves food more.) I know the hawk caught on to our mistake. It makes me sick. I'm shocked (darn hawk must have been watching ...from somewhere.. somehow).. Im parinoid. Im sad. Im dissapointed in myself (and the dog), and the situation.
It's nature though, I understand that.. and Im not looking for a lecture. But maybe a similar understanding.

Sorry to hear about your loss..
My losses are usually from my dogs so, I do understand your anger.
It's hard to avoid, they're all over the place and with spring coming on they'll be having families to feed. An old farmer I know told me he rarely loses birds to hawks past spring, when they're mostly finished nesting.
I completely understand and im sorry that you lost you favorite chick. Though i live out in the country and am more prone to attacks on my birds the most horrific is to see it happen. One day i looked outside while my chickens where free ranging, which is most of the day, and i saw a hawk circling. I just know it had an eye on my little dutch bantam hen who had wondered a little to far from her rooster. Well the hawk dove. I was in shock, i thought "oh no! Im going to loose one of my hens" Then all of a sudden out of nowhere here comes my little rooster flying straight at the hawk. The window was open and i swear i heard a big thump as they hit each other. Then I was affriad my rooster was going to get carried of. He only weighs about 20 ounces and a hawk weighs around 3 pounds. But he fought and gave that hawk a peice of his mind. The poor hawk flew of with a nice gash in it neck and a few scratches on his face. And my rooster went right back to foraging without even a bruise.

I cant say i understand what it is like to acctually loose a chicken to a hawk cause i never really have. But i can say i understand the fear that goes through you when you witness something like that. Again im so sorry for you loss.
Dear Heartbroken....
We have not even gotten our chickens yet, and my daughter and I are paranoid about predators! We live in the country and not only do we have to worry about hawks....but coyotes, fox, coy dogs, raccoons, skunks rats....the whole kitncaboodle!!!!! As a pet lover, I can feel your is never easy to lose a beloved pet....regardless of the species! I will never forget when my daughter was 7 and lost her pet hermit of my best friends (NOT a pet lover) said "it's just a hermit crab" It wasn't just her hermit was her beloved PET hermit crab! Just as your chick wasn't just a chick, she was your pet chick! I am sorry for your loss!
I am very protective of my flock and only let them out when I am home but in January I let them out to clean the coop - it is huge. I was out and hear a was a Cooper's Hawk trying to carry off my white d'Anver hen. I knew that she was wounded and decided that that hawk was not going to take her away. I did get her and she died in my hand. I had hatched her and she was such a wonderful friendly. It broke my heart! I am sorry for your loss.
I am truly sorry for your loss. I know the pain, when I was maybe 6 a hawk flew into our yard and flew away with a baby chick...All I can remember is it hollering as the hawk is flying away and the mother hen running around clucking and all swole up. I felt like I had let it down, but you have to be strong and remember it too has young ones to feed..of course at the time I was not thinking that.
I too am so sorry for you loss.
I live out in the country and have let our chickens free range in the front fenced yard for almost a year. About mid-February, ago I came home around noon to my rooster and his favorite hen on the far side of the yard.. no other chickens out of the coop. As I walked up the sidewalk and into the gate.. a hawk flew off the body of one of my teenchicks..a beautiful red laced blue wyndotte.
Since then.. one of the pullets we bought has turned out to be a rooster. I thought to rehome him but since there is no conflict-- I figured the hens and chicks could use an extra set of eyes on the sky. Several occassions I have heard them both give the call and station themselves towards to center of the yard. I am
that I don't any any other problems out of hawks.. but I know it can happen.

Again-- so sorry for your loss. Just remember that your little chicken knew lots of love in its short life.


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