Attack of the bears.

Have you done any research into which products you might get? I just got some netting that is around the coop at our new place, but I will be using that for pasturing birds later. I was thinking a single or double wire or ribbon around the coop/run. Any thoughts?
I'm gonna put it together myself. From TSC. 3 wires up from the ground and 1 wire running above the fencing. I started looking into it last year and have the info tucked away somewhere.
My coop is as secure as a coop can be, but I've seen bears break into homes so I'm hoping they will leave the coop alone. I'm gonna start bringing the containers inside my house.
I got a big metal trash can. I use a heavy duty metal type "bungee" with two locks on each bail and under the handle. I don't think bears could get into it. But as the snow is only inches deep here now I did notice that the deer ate most of the buds off my Macintosh tree. So I will have to get some deer fencing. Even the IRISH spring soap didn't seem to work. But I think all the wet weather kinda made it much less pungent.
You're on the right track with the hot wires AND bringing in the feed. The bears are being drawn in by the feed. You will want to run multiple strand wires with a very punchy charger. Here are two interesting videos for you:

This is why you want to remove the food attractant:

If you catch the bear returning to the run, after you get the hot wires up, I would drape bacon over the wires in the area it was going through. You want the bear to lead in with its face and take a shot directly to its nose.

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