Attack of the Silkie

Brittle Hen

In the Brooder
May 7, 2015
Okay guys every time I reach into change food or water my one silkie is always the first to peck at me! They are about 7 weeks old now. What gives? I thought this breed was suppose to be sweet.
They do have a reputation for being sweet, which is kept so by people not breeding those which aren't. ;)

Every breed, no matter how sweet its reputation is, will occasionally produce non-sweet animals.

The same is true for whatever else the reputation (or ideal temperament according to the breed standard) is... An aggressive breed will occasionally produce sweet animals. A non-brooding breed will produce broodies. Etc.

In order to preserve the ideal temperament of the breed, those that don't possess the right traits are culled out. Ideally. Unfortunately many people don't do this, so vicious Silkies aren't uncommon.

Best wishes.

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