Ok, so last night we candled, at Day 7. There is development in some eggs, and movement in a couple BUT the air cells all seem to be at the small end?? And very wonky looking, a couple looking like they could be ruptured. These are shipped eggs, which were shipped across Canada airmail. Is there any hope? And should I stand the eggs at the other end while they develop or just leave them and lay flat for hatching, if any can hatch that is....Any advice is appreciated!
When you received the shipped eggs, did you let them sit still, big end up for 24-hrs? This is highly recommended. And as a rule of thumb, a 50% hatch rate for shipped eggs is pretty much the norm. Movement is a good sign. Clears I would wait till day 14 or so, then remove them. They will look like your are making an omelet inside. I use an automatic egg turner, with the big end up for the first 18-days, then remove them and lay them down, for hatching,
We took a 4 hour trip up north and picked up 6 dozen assorted eggs yesterday. I put them in a styrofoam ice chest that we had put ice packs in to keep it cool. My husband put the eggs in the ice chest and cushioned them with the ice packs. I had intended to remove them for the trip home. The eggs were in 18 pack egg cartons that I had taken with me. Most of the eggs were bantam size, including guinea eggs and I was afraid that with the vibration of the truck some of the air sacks might come loose. When we got home, I put them into the incubators in egg turners but turned the turners off. Tonight they will have been in the upright position for 24 hours and I will turn the turners on.

I am going to try to remember to give them a cooling off period every day but I am not sure how long the hens stay off their nests. I don't think the hens are off the nests for an hour but 20 minutes might be too long too. As far as I can tell, when the hens get up and leave, they don't try to cover the eggs at all. My ducks do, but not the chickens, so I don't know if I should remove the tops of the incubators or just unplug them. Any one do this yet? Know how long to cool the eggs and how?


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