*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Hi! I have 5 eggs under my broody, set to hatch in about two weeks. I candled last night, and all are developing with the exception of one that is questionable. I also am trying to get my homemade bator regulated so I can set some eggs in it as well. Im so nervous! I hope I get some to hatch- my broody hen just destroyed a whole clutch about two weeks ago, I think because she was setting on too many. Some got squished, some died along the way, and some got kicked out of the nest. Hoping this time, by letting her set on only 5, she will have better luck.
Good luck to us all!
My neighbor just called to let me know the severe weather we're having has knocked the power out. Guess I can kiss this batch of eggs goodbye
Just found out I need a hygrometer. That explains why I cannot figger out the humidity..... the Brinsea Mini Advance incubator doesn't have one. DUH.

PetSmart has one (I googled hygrometers and found a brand name to ask for, as well as an "how to calibrate an hygrometer" article) and will be on my way to buy one after work.

Next project is to build a home-made candler. Office coffee fund gal at work had an extra, empty coffee can she gave to me. It's even got a dark, dark lid, so I don't have to spray paint it! Tomorrow is 10 days in, so I guess this is the perfect time to candle eggs. If I can work up the ooomph to bear disappointment....... would much prefer elation.
I have 8 australorp, 4 EE and two shaver/leghorns due on August 15th!!! My dad will be in town with his fiancee to greet them, too!
I have 19 OE's and EE's due August 2nd, and 18 Mixed blues (andalusian, maran, ameracauna, sumatra and orpington) and 6 BCM due August 12th. This will be a fun month!

Good luck to everyone hatching.
I'll Join,

I have 8 silkie eggs in the bator right now. My hen just went broody for me so I will give her a couple of days to make sure she stays put. On Wed/thursday the eggs will go under her.
Good thing too. Just figured out the hatch day runs with my husbands business trip I am taking with him. UGh.

Set date July 24
Candle 1 July 30
Candle 2 Aug 6
Candle 3 Aug 11
I started my 25 eggs today so they will have a hatch date of AUG 15th!!!
this is my 1st hatch!

I have 21 RIR and 4 barred rock n white crested black polish eggs
I am super excited MY HUSBAND SAYS I'M BORED LOL
at a steady temp of 100.2 and 87% humidity


i cant wait!!

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