*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

DAy 13....I have 13 eggs left of 14. I have cannot see anything on any of them when I candle. I am just using a flashlight as is all I have. I am hoping that I just can't see them. My hatch due date is Aug 3rd. As these are my first incubator eggs I am hoping for the best. will keep all posted.
I did open one of the plugs and it brought humidity down to 76% so I took the other one out and it now registers 75% i dunno

Wouldn't hurt to lift the lid quickly and let some of the humidity escape. Sounds like you added to much water to begin with and your going to have to let the water evaporate some to get your humdiity to come down. Don't ad more water until your humidity is down to 25%. Then only ad a little at a time until it comes up to between 38-40%. My humidity is running around 38% during the morning hours and climbs up to 40% as the house warms up in the afternoon. When I candled my eggs the air cells look just right, so that tells me that the humidity is right on. Hang in there! You'll get your humidity right eventually
I had 3 eggs under a broody. Last night was day 9 and I candled them and saw nothing. Either they weren't even fertile or they didn't start. I'm going to try again, but things aren't looking good. I will try again with more eggs to up my odds. I've never done this before.
Okay, finally got my eggs in yesterday, and have boarded this train!!
Got 28 various chicken eggs in there, and will be adding as many quail eggs to the bunch on Saturday as I can gather by then. That gives us a due date of August 17th or so. This will be my second time hatching a mixed bunch (chicken AND quail). Had really good results last time, figure I'll just try and do everything the same this go round. Good luck everybody!
My husband (who is VERY manly and thinks incubating is a bit wasteful of resources, since we do have bantams) came in from the chickens last night with one single brown bantam egg, and said to me, "Can you please hatch this one? It's from my favorite hen." LOL!!!! I said sure, it's from a really sweet speckled cross bantam who lays a very pretty, almost pinkish egg, but it's in the bator three days after I set my eggs, so I guess I'm doing a staggered batch. Thanks for making it so easy, dear!!! Hahaha so add one bantam mutt to my eight australorp and 4 ee and 2 shaver/leghorn. :) Fifteen's a good number, I guess...
This is the desired trait! While people are looking he says "I hate it it's stupid we don't need it" and when no one is looking he makes the cuddle face and picks favorites! I am DYING to get my BF a kitten to see if I can draw out this reaction!
This is the desired trait! While people are looking he says "I hate it it's stupid we don't need it" and when no one is looking he makes the cuddle face and picks favorites! I am DYING to get my BF a kitten to see if I can draw out this reaction!

LMBO I know, I may even put the next couple eggs Mahogany lays (he named her too hahahahahahhahahahah *breathes* BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) in the 'bator on a stagger, just in case his "favorite hen"'s egg doesn't hatch.

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