*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

I recandled (I just made that a word) the silkie eggs from Kelar.... and one of the lavender/cuckoo eggs that previously showed no development was going nuts right along with the rest of them! I guess it just had a slow start!

I also briefly candled the peacock eggs and while I THINK I MIGHT have MAYBE POSSIBLY seen the membrane starting to spread on 2 of them, I can't really say for sure yet. BAH. Hurry up and grow, peababies! You are my favorites!

I candled a couple of the marans eggs (they are only a couple days along, I set them on the 24th), and despite their REALLY dark egg shells, I believe I saw some development with them as well. Of course I candled all of my eggs before putting them into the incubator, so that I would have a starting reference point for color and shells.

Unfortunately ALL of the eggs- silkies, peacocks, and BCM- appear to have porous shells
I will be keeping my humidity higher than normal to compensate for the typical rapid moisture loss associated with these eggs, and I'm using hydrogen peroxide instead of water in the water wells. Which reminds me, I need to go get some more of that- I've already been through a whole giant bottle and it's only day 6!
The original reason given was because it helps to cut down on bacterial bloom. After some further research, another person discovered that it breaks down considerably quickly which basically splits it into water and oxygen. Water for the humidity, oxygen so you can leave the vents plugged but still get 'air' to the eggs. So IN THEORY, it should be cleansing the incubator when you add it and then maintaining air and humidity while it breaks down.
Ooooh! Kedreeva, don't make the same mistake I made upping the humidity!!!!!!!!!
I had a very large, porus egg in my last hatch from shipped eggs and thought I better keep the humidity a little higher because of it. The large/porus egg was one of two out of 15 to make it to lockdown out of some very beat up shipped eggs. It ended up pipping and died in the shell because it was HUGE! and couldn't turn! I couldn't even get it out of it's shell it was so big and tight in there!!!
The other egg hatched, but that chick was a bit oversized also!! In this batch I'm incubating right now, I again was sent an oversized, porus egg that is one of two out of the 16 shipped eggs (we talked about them on your eggtopsy thread) that is still growing at day13. I made the call to use the dry incubation method this time and the air cells look perfect on both eggs!! Hope my experience with this helps someone else
Day 7 ... I candled my eggs this morning and WOW at the development. The veins are amazing. Not sure what the "membrane" is but I saw the little black dot (read that is an eye?) and then there are others that seem to be going at it slower. I placed them directly under the light in case I'm doing something wrong. There are a couple of porous (? Did I say that right ?) eggs & I can not tell what is going on BUT the Dixie Rainbow crossed with a Buff Roo (which no one seems to know much about Dixie's, let alone what will be produced from a Buff Roo) is doing great. Really excited to see those unknown results. Kind of makes me feel like I have a small story to tell.

Don't give up yet Kedreeva. ; )
I picked up nearly two dozen eggs yesterday from a fellow BYCer. They're resting comfortably at home for the day and then into the bators they go tonight. I keep telling myself not to worry, follow the instructions and whatever happens happens. But now I'm getting nervous that I'm going to screw something up...lol. I'm putting the newest eggs into my Brinsea and all the leftovers are going into a still air LG that a friend gave us. If I can get 2 or 3 chicks to hatch out of the LG I would be more than happy. Really hoping for at least 5 or 6 out of the Brinsea.

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