*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

I hope you get your wish, or better!
This is my first time trying with an incubator! I set 3 bantam eggs Sunday morning and then set 76 assorted quail eggs in with them last night. Counting Sunday as day 1 for the bantams and today as day 1 for the quail, everyone will be set to hatch on August 14th!

The only bad thing about it all is that I will be out of town that weekend
and will be taking my incubator to my friends house on the 11th right before lockdown so she can incubator sit while I am gone.
This is my first time ever using an incubator and it is really heartbreaking that I will miss them hatching but I can't miss this trip.
Oh well, I get back Sunday evening and will be bringing my babies home to play with them.

Good luck to everyone else that is hatching in August!
i'm pretty sure that 3 times a day will be good. i think that one of the main goals for turning is to turn an odd number of times a day that way the eggs aren't resting on the same side every night. the first few time i incubated eggs i turned them 3 times a day this time i'm turning them 5 times a day because my husband set up a tray that i kind of seesaw the eggs on so its easier than turning them one at a time. hope this helps
CountryTX - You must have more fortitude than me. NO WAY I could have started those eggs when I knew I'd have to be gone. It'll be bad enough being gone half a day when they are a couple days old. (They better not be late or I'm just not going. HA HA). What kind of quail are you hatching? What kind of 'bator?

Well, I did the unthinkable. I placed them in the bator before I calculated their hatch date.
It's killing me that I will be gone and I tried like crazy to get the hubby to allow me to take them with us. But he told me that he didn't believe the guide on the bowfishing boat would allow me to use his generator for my bator while on the water. I did say that it wouldn't need a floatation device because it would float being styrofoam.
Oh well. I trust my best friend with my babies which says a lot because I don't usually trust anyone with my peepers. I'm going to leave strict instructions that she isn't to open the bator at all because she will shrink wrap my babies. I wouldn't like coming home to stuck babies.

The quail that I will be hatching will be A&M, Manchurian, Speckled, Jumbo and Tuxedo...I believe all Coturnix varieties? I got them from Rebel Roo on BYC. As far as I have read, they go on lockdown at 14 days and hatch at 17? Is this correct?

Also, my bator is a bator that I borrowed from a friend for this occassion and I just may have to get my own because now I'm hooked, but it is a Hovabator, still air. I'm hand turning everyone because I don't have quail rails.
I've managed to do it quite quickly tho so hopefully everyone does alright.
I'm officially joining in the August hatch along! We placed eggs in the bator on the 19th. We have our own eggs (buff orpingtons), my brother in laws mix of eggs (not sure what the heck he has lol), as well as some BLRW shipped eggs. Check viability on them and so far so good for quite a few of them. I'm going to give them a couple of more days before I make the call to toss out a couple that I think aren't viable. So far so good and I'm getting quite excited! This is our first artifical "hatch" so to speak. Our hens went broody about 2 months ago and we were able to get a batch of 32 chicks from the girls. Of course, once you hatch chickies there's no going back so that's when hubby decided to order some BLRW eggs (he's had his eye on them for a few weeks now) so we grabbed a store bought incubator and are giving it a go. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! The days are going by slowly. lol
I just candled my eggs here, day 5, and every single one has a dancer (except obviously the couple eggs that are too hard to see, which did show developing mass tho I couldnt see details!) and guess what?!?! My 76gram EE egg looks like *gasp* a double yolker!!! Big chick or twins, I don't care, but exciting!!!

Now to not touch them til day 18 when I candle before lockdown.

I live thousands of miles from my parents, but my dad will be here when this batch hatches. He hasn't seen my kids in two years, either, so I'm really excited. C'mon August, be better than July!

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