*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

The original reason given was because it helps to cut down on bacterial bloom. After some further research, another person discovered that it breaks down considerably quickly which basically splits it into water and oxygen. Water for the humidity, oxygen so you can leave the vents plugged but still get 'air' to the eggs. So IN THEORY, it should be cleansing the incubator when you add it and then maintaining air and humidity while it breaks down.

Never heard of that have you tried it before or is this first time?
I have not personally tried this before, it was recommended to me by several people who had used it previously with good results. I don't know if they would have had good success with their hatches anyway, but as I had some bacterial problems in my last hatch, I thought I would give it a try and see what the result is. Now, these eggs are not from the same source, but so far more of these are growing. My fingers are crossed that this will continue to be a healthy hatch.

Aside from that, my golden lakenvelder eggs arrived today and I have no incubator space because my eggs have been growing so well! So I am fashioning a makeshift one... if it doesn't work by tomorrow morning, though (and I will be up all night trying to get it to work) then I have permission to buy a second one (*EEEEEEEE*) which I can use as a hatcher later. As much as I don't want to spend the money on another one, it will please me to have it.
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Pax ... 65 ??? WOW
I have ended up with 7 fertile bcm eggs out of 8.
Out of 3 goose eggs 0 are fertile.
It's been 9 days and I see no embryos
I am real disappointed about them.
I so want some geese. We have a nice pond out front and lots of room. Guess it's just not to be this year. Maybe I will try again next spring with day olds.
Hello All, My bator is being delivered today and I've saved 9 Lav Orp's eggs, 6 Partridge Silkie eggs, and 3 RIR's. I plan on putting them in the bator later today after I test it. Wish my luck first bator batch in 8 years. I gave up 8 years ago when I hit 100 chickens....
So quickly before I leave for the day:
Started with: 9 peacock eggs, 14 BCM, 18 Silkie, (and 10 golden lakenvelder's arrived yesterday). My incubator has space for 42 eggs.

Candled today and tossed:
3 silkie (2 lav, 1 partridge), 6 peacock (1 silver pied, 5 emerald pied spalding *cry*)

Candled today and have:
3 peacock (1 emerald pied spalding and 2 silver pied), 15 silkie (mostly black and blue, a couple white and a couple partridge), 14 BCM (HUZZAH THEY ALL ARE GOING!), and I added in all 10 of the lakenvelders for a perfect 42 eggs in my bator. I will candle in a few days to check the lakenvelders and update a new total.

Please send good thoughts toward the lone surviving emerald peachick that is growing.... I REALLY want it to hatch more than anything else in my bator right now >.<
Candled on day 14 last night, and my two Wheaten/Blue Wheaten (Blues
) Ameraucana eggs both have bouncing babies!
Up until last night I couldn't tell if the larger very porus egg was growing for sure. Both eggs, even though the one is so porus, have equal sized air cells, and I'm using the dry hatch method! I lost chicks (grew too large) last hatch from upping my humidy to 50% the last half of incubation because I was worried that the porus eggs might loose to much moisture. Hoping to have a better outcome with the dry hatch method this time

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