*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

today is lockdown
on 35 quail eggs..
my first time incubating for wish me luck!!!

did take a peak at 5 of the of eggs, as i was positioning the eggs on their sides...
saw movement in all 5
Setting a BUNCH of eggs tomorrow from various places. Wish me luck! Have four JG, Four blue orps, 12 olive egger eggs and a pile of silkie eggs from cj's silkies. If they all hatch I'll be drowning in chicks.
The jersey giants and the orps are local pickups so maybe something will work.
#1 and #2 are clears (not fertile or never started growing) #3 is harder to tell from your picture. Could be a chick in there. Can you see any veining in egg #3? Is the shell porus and hard to see into?
Hi my broody silkie only comes off the nest once a day and she is onlt off for about 15 minutes at the most then straight back to her eggs. I do take her off the nest in the afternoon to make sure she gets food and water. Most broody chickens leave the nest once a day some won't leave the nest at all and need to be taken off to eat and drink. A broody can be off the nest for an hour at the most depending on weather. But like i said most broody hens only stay off for like 15 minutes.
Hi my broody silkie only comes off the nest once a day and she is onlt off for about 15 minutes at the most then straight back to her eggs. I do take her off the nest in the afternoon to make sure she gets food and water. Most broody chickens leave the nest once a day some won't leave the nest at all and need to be taken off to eat and drink. A broody can be off the nest for an hour at the most depending on weather. But like i said most broody hens only stay off for like 15 minutes.

thanks i haven't put the eggs back and have seen her off the nest 2 more times this evening so i'm thinking she will not be getting the egg back. if she continues to try and be broody i guess i'll have to break out the broody buster box. i only have 3 hens that were laying and since she went semi broody have only been getting the 2 eggs a day and i miss the pretty blue ones she layed.
I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me, but... I just candled an egg that is on its second day just to practice candling, and... I saw something dark and moving inside. Is that possible, or is my mind really just messing with me?
#1 and #2 are clears (not fertile or never started growing) #3 is harder to tell from your picture. Could be a chick in there. Can you see any veining in egg #3? Is the shell porus and hard to see into?

there is no veining in #3 like their is in my others. It's a "blob" that sits closer to the top of the egg. (mine are laid on their side & rotated) With a very slight movement & I can feel it "slosh" inside, if that means anything?

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