*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

i just couldn't wait any longer i guess. i had to go out and get some baby chicks! had to had to had to. and of course my girls had to pick one out each as well so i came home with 6 more little chicks to add to the family. now all i have to do is wait a few more days for the ones in the incubator to hatch and will be adding
11 more little fuzzy butts. of course i couldn't get as lucky as to have all of them hatch out hens so will need to rehome the roos, but the good news is the woman that i bought the chicks from today said she would buy my roos from me.

heres a pic of the newest additions the oldest is around 4 weeks and the youngest about 1 week. all seem to be getting along nicely have a light that i'll turn on at night for them but during the day its in the 90's so i think they will be more than fine.
what a coincidence...I was all set to put eggs in the incubator when I read and looked at some more pics. of the salmon faverolles and decided i did not want some of the characteristics of the rooster I had in there, so I have another rooster that has Great traits and I have since replaced him, so I have to wait for awhile to get eggs from the hens now...however, I started saving eggs from my Patridge Cochins and Ameracanas and am ready to set them tomorrow and I go into the hen house and my same 2 bantams hens that hatched out about 17 baby D'Uccles 2 months ago, have gone back to the nest again and are both sitting on(after I divided them up) 8 eggs apiece....LOL...I LOVE IT..
monday is day 18 for me I have 24 eggs in the bator from pampered poultry oegb and sizzles,and d'uccles from camelot farm.26 were shipped and going into lock down soon candled tonight for the last time and 24 are doing well.Hope they all make it out soo excited for these babies
Sunday is day 18. I have 13 eggs...I cannot tell anything from candling as too dark of shell...So I am waiting. Is day 18 lockdown when you get up or before you go to bed? Thanks for info

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