*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

day 16 in 30 mins yahh!!!

i got rocking and rolling quail eggs

my Broody silkie is on day 11,10 more days to go. I hope they hatch for her shes been doing a real good job.
I know I'm a little late coming in on the post. Just found it. I'm in for the august hatch alright. I've got 14 in my homemade incubator. They are on due to hatch on the 12th of august. Of course, I hope they hatch on the early side, cause I've got a couple days vacation planned and even though I know our livestock hand that will do chores while we are away is very capable, I just don't want to leave untill they are hatched. Got a lot riding on them. 7 are black mottled D'Anvers and 7 are Millie Fleur D'Anvers. I'm turning by hand, but have them in an egg flat, so not as much turning cause they all turn together instead of individually. After 48 jersey giant eggs turning every day at least 3 times a day if not 5 I decided real quick that I needed a better system. My incubators not big enough for an auto egg turner so this was the best option without having to do major work to the bator. I was so happy to have recieved such viable eggs from shipped eggs. I was sent 17 eggs, one of which was damaged in shipment, NOT a pretty site yolk was everywhere. Then I figure out it was from just one egg and let out a huge sigh of releif. So I set 16 of the eggs. of the 16 one appeared infertile and one appeared to have had too rough of a transit and its air cell was all kinds of messed up. I pitched those eggs and was left with 14 and even equal amounts on both colors. Yay!

I'm so amazed every time I incubate eggs, The life that takes form is such a short amount of time. I can't wrap my head around it, but in one word I feel BLESSED

I know I probably won't get all 14 to hatch (because I really want them to) , but I'm hoping to get as many as possible.

I'll just be counting the days and making the turns.
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I have 3 broodies right now. One batch is hatching under 2nd mama right now. not sure how many have arrived thus far.

had to save chicks under first broody, as she was trying to kill one, had 2 die as soon as hatched, not sure if that mama helped them along on that.
my daughter hatched one on her lap, another one hatched under the heat lamp, another one trying. one didn't survive in the egg.
slipped 3 under the mama who's eggs are hatching right now. have 5 babies in brooder pen in my garage.

3rd broody, her clutch due to hatch the middle of this week.

hectic here right now.
lockdown has started. finally got the humidity up into the low 60's now all i have to do is keep it there. with the a/c on in the house was having a little trouble with that but
. now the anxious pacing by the incubator window begins. the next 3 days are always the hardest for me. have trouble keeping the nose prints off the glass
wish me luck!
My first time using a incubator!

stayed up way to late!

2:30am i got these!!!


35 eggs and 8 have now hatched
I finally put together a coffee can candler, and with great trepidation took one egg out of the incubator to check it. Well, guess what: these are olive egger eggs (from Wynette) and I can't see a DARNED thing through those shells!

Which is pretty much a relief because I didn't want to see anything not positive. Not seeing any light through those shells, in other words seeing NOTHING is better than seeing something not positive. For my first attempt at incubator hatching, anyway....

Before I checked that incubated egg, I tried a white egg from my fridge (the Lakenvelder sisters lay white eggs), and while there was nothing to see, I could see through the shell enough to know my home made candler should work.

But not with olive egger, EE (green), Marans or Welsummer eggs.

At least I'm past the terrified first time fears of candling eggs.

6 more days to go.

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