*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Congratulations on the little quail babies! Mine are only on day 4 and I can't wait to see how tiny they are! I hope you get a great hatch and will keep my fingers crossed that you get many more mini fuzz butts!
Day 18....13 eggs. I put on papercups as suggested on here they soaked up all of the humidity and turned dark and looked wet. no they were not touching sponges or in water. So I got a styrofoam egg carton to use and switched them out. I know today is suppose to be lockdown but I opened it up and switched out. the humidity went down to 62% is that ok. I didn't do too much damage did I? Humidity went back up to 68%. I usually let mother nature do her thang. spelled that way on purpose. I am starting out again after not having chickens for 20 years. Thanks for all help and comments thanks
Your eggs will be fine
I keep my lockdown humdity at 60-65% so your looking good

Good...I just hat the waiting...LOL I cannot see anything while candling; shell to dark...so am hoping for best....at day 25 eggs will be ziplocked and to the dumpster that do not hatch...thanks
Your eggs will be fine
I keep my lockdown humdity at 60-65% so your looking good

Good...I just hat the waiting...LOL I cannot see anything while candling; shell to dark...so am hoping for best....at day 25 eggs will be ziplocked and to the dumpster that do not hatch...thanks

Mine go into lockdown tomorrow and I'm already so nervous
I only have two eggs left from 16 shipped eggs. 12 candled clear and didn't look fertile when I cracked them to take a look
Not being able to see inside the eggs when candling would drive me crazy! I bought a Egg Lume high intensity candler because I just have to know!! Even with the high intensity candler, one of my eggs was so porus that I couldn't see into it until day 14. I sure hope they both hatch or I'll be on my way to the feed store to find the chick a buddy

Good Luck with your hatch!
Well my last 5 eggs should be hatching tonight or tomorrow. Have 3 pips already.
I sorted out all the babies from the late July hatch (the 4th of July babies are already out in the yard) so that only the smallest, sleepiest chicks will be in the little brooder when these babies go in. (And anyone who pecks on them will get banished to the big brooder!)

We have 20 from the 4th and 29 from this last week... if all five make it we'll have *counts on fingers and toes* too many!!

Good hatching vibes to all!
Starting into week 2 here! ALL the black copper marans (14) are going strong. The silkies are looking good but I think I may have an early quitter in their ranks. I candled the lakenvelder eggs but as it was only day 2, I'm not really sure candling meant anything- even so, it didn't look good
I'm hoping I'm wrong and that not every single one of them is clear because that would just be too depressing.

To those of you locking down and hatching, good luck!
I candled eggs last night even though it had only been 72 hours. My reason is because the LG has been tempermental, but it's getting better. Out of the 7 in the Brinsea only one seemed to not be doing anything (had good veins in all the others). I swapped that out with one of the better veined eggs from the LG. Later this week I'll candle the LG eggs again and start removing the ones that are a no-go.

Being a first timer I have to say it is incredible to see that itty-bitty heart pumping away inside the egg. I didn't think I'd be able to actually see it moving. Very cool.

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