*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

I keep thinking I hear a peep then turn everything off and nothing.......WHY????

they know you are waiting and are just screwing with you

I wish i could have candled them better...so I would not feel so bad if they did not hatch and just wait and wait. I can't even take pics right now to get help from you guys...lol
I have one little pip...YEAH!!! now I want them all to pip and get hatched..lol I am so impatient and the biggest worrier. thank goodness I am not alone on this. I was so scared that none would hatch so I ordered 25 pullets from MPC a mixture. I have a cousin bringing me 36 hatching eggs on the 21st. My coop plans have changed a thousand times. I have to plan for all. ZIP already. more later....
I am getting soooooooo anxious. Lock down is suppose to start Thursday and I have to keep myself from peeking in there every now and again to make sure no one is trying to come out early. LOL Oh man, this is only going to get worse as the days pass.
Today is day 19 (by my calendar). And I heard the first chick this evening.... but I can't see it yet cause Momma is sitting tight. I put 11 eggs under her when she went broody. (I'm not expecting them all to hatch... we'll see). This is her first brood and my first hatch. How exciting!!! I can't wait to see them all. Good thing I spent the day building a pen for them. This was the garage/shed first thing this morning, with Edelweiss and her broody pen at the back.


Once I got the first layer of fencing in place (fine mesh), I moved her inside the new pen. She started doing this...
I thought she was too hot (it was a warm humid day) so I took the top off the litter box to let air flow through. But now I wonder if it was because she could hear the chicks pipping??

Anyways... here's what it looked like by the end of the day. I ran out of staples right at the end, so I haven't yet completed the door. I need to get to town ASAP to get that finish up, at least high enough up that they can't get out the first couple of days.

so frustrated.... candled the 24 eggs as they went into lockdown tonight.... 20 eggs completely clear.... 4 completely developed... thats a lot of money and time and high hopes for 20 clear eggs...

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