*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

congrats one the new chick, i think that as long as you have pips your suppose to leave the lid shut so you dont shrink wrap the ones trying to get out. i finally have a pip
and of course its not the one that's been wiggling for the past few days

this is me and my girls

Three chicks now....YEAH!!! And four pips....thanks goodness. plus my other MYP order arrived...WOW It is day 21....more later...
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well here are some pics from my "hot chicks" photo shoot. haha.

These are my new babies, literally, they live in my garage. 2 hatched by my daughter on her lap ( she is 8 ) and 2 hatched by me.

This is the oldest baby, hatched by Floppy, the only one she liked.
He/she is black and yellow.




this is baby #2, and the reason we took FLoppy out and took the babies into the garage, for some reason she hated this baby. My moms hubby, he's a tough guy as per farming ways, and even he was shocked by Floppy's behavior to this chick. This is a big baby, and a fiesty one !!!!!!


This is baby #3, this is the first baby my daughter hatched. she was so proud.




here are the first 3 bonding.



the following is a picture of baby #4 and baby #5, baby #4 hatched while I was at work, in the brooder box under a heat lamp. amazing. it looks just like baby #2, not as chunky.
baby #5, I helped hatch in the brooder box, its name is Arrow. daughter named it that, as it's marking on its head resembles an arrow somewhat. This baby took a bit to walk, but is now a pro.

Arrow, #5



here is all five, taken yesterday, they aren't as calm as this picture today, running and playing full time now.


no good pics of baby #6 yet, but, is very small, but doing very well. still in the sleepy stage. THis baby hatched on my daughters knee yesterday morning. Lily had gotten off the remainder of unhatched eggs leaving two alone. One had died overnight in the shell, so I grabbed this one , as it survived the night. SO, wanted to make sure it survived completely.

baby #7, hatched on my lap this morning. it is out of a blue egg. it is also doing well so far, very strong.



they are my miracle babes, and they taught my daughter alot about life and death.

we did lose one baby, which would have been #5 had it lived. (chronologically)
2 were hatched in a brooder box, 3 on laps and 2 under Floppy.
When all you August Hatch-A-Longers are sitting back, feeling pleased with yourselves and rubbing your fuzzybutts (hmmm?) can you visit the Average Hatch Rate Thread and punch in your numbers.

Don't worry if it's zip out of 300, that's the whole point - it's an average, the more numbers the nearer the real average our average will be. (Mathematicians and pedants, please do not correct me, you know what I mean). It'll help people feel more comfortable with 5 out of 20 or whatever, I hope.

thanks and good luck to everyone.
When do I go into lock down? I put my eggs in on July 22 at 4:30pm. Today is day 13. August 11 will be day 20. I'm guessing August 8th (Day 17)?

Did it die? Being day 11, I can barely see anything when I candle my eggs. There are veins but movements is nearly impossible to see. there's no sloshing but one of the eggs is still very visible but no movement. Do I give it another day/2 or could it bomb out on me?
Today is day 21 for my bantams and day 20 for the LF - and still nothing! No movement, no chirping, no tapping noises. I'm starting to be disappointed, but I'm going to wait until Friday to truly get upset
TigerJane ...

I'm feeling like I'm doing something wrong. Out of 24 I'm down to 8 with 2 un-sures.

The one I'm praying makes it is the Dixie Rainbow (that most know nothing about) crossed with a Buff Rock. I can find NOTHING on the two mixed. Called a farm & they don't know either. So I'm really praying for this one to make it. Hope it don't turn out green with purple poka-dots.
As long as you see veins, your eggs are good. You don't need to see movement. The best indicator that a chick has died is the veining disappears. Don't throw out any eggs until day 14 unless they smell bad. Lockdown is on day 18 which would be August 9th since you started them in the afternoon on the 22nd you count the next day as day 1. Good Luck

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