*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

OMGOMGOMG!!!!! I have a chick!!!!! It must have hatched in under 12 minutes start to finish. I checked on the eggs, nothing, no pips or sounds or movement. Went to get some laundry together and checked in on the eggs on my way down, and one of tje bantams was zipped all the way around, and before my eyes it kicked that egg open and came out, now it's staggering around and chirping up a storm. This was day 23 for the bantams and day 22 for the LF, and over 24hrs since the peeping started.

I'm so excited!!!! Maybe the LF will hatch afterall
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Oh my gosh!!!!! Ya'll, I am so psyched, I can hardly type---fingers shaking, so if typos.......sorry, lol.....Ya'll know I lost my roo (Columbo)....Well, finally got a some great news....remember m2wandc wanted some peeps to send silkie eggs for them to hatch??? Well, me, yours truly is one of the lucky ones!!!!
And that's not all!!!
3 of the eggs are Silver Laced Wyandotte cross with Silkie!!!!
She is sending me 5 eggs today, ya'll!!!!!!!! OMG.....I'm too old for cartwheels, but just might have to try.....What a sweetie!!! I have had a very depressing day.....and she just made it a wonderful day!!!!
I'm dancing!!!! Thank you so MUCH m2wandc!!!!!! It's so nice to have such good-hearted people still out there in the world.
TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTY I hope one day I am able to do the same for someone.

Congrats on your hatchling, TJ, and hope there's lots more

A wonderful man, 6 human kids, 15 assorted hens (BR, RIR, BL, PR, and 1 EE ), 30 hatchlings, 27 quail, 2 horses, 14 dogs RIP Columbo, You'll be missed
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I did that on my first batch, east. Drove my family slap nuts, lol. Now, they take turns making sure I'm busy elsewhere. Got the drop on em, last time, tho. And seeing as I have mucho precious cargo this time, they don't have a prayer in H. E. double hockey sticks!!
They're all old enough to fend for themselves for a few days, lol.
I SAW MOVEMENT !!! I was about to toss out an egg on day 14 but decided I'd give it another day. With no hope, I candled the egg & the most gorgeous heart beat I've ever seen. My BR IS ALIVE !!!!
Hi all. I had pips yesterday!!
Turkens EHD 8/6, my own eggs 3 RIR/Red Star crosses, 1 RIR/BO cross EHD 8/7.

Anyway, 2 turkens had pipped. Had a buff chic lastnight before I went to bed. Noticed 2 more pips, and those were my eggs. Shortly after getting up today, had 2 more turkens, a buff and a darker chic. The other pip still hasnt made much progress, but it looks black or dark.

My 2 eggs that have pipped havent made much progress either. 1 pipped at the wrong end. I just took it out and looked at it as it doesnt look like has done anything since I noticed the pip. It is still ok, and the darker turken is moving around inside the egg.

All the eggs were incubated in my new Brinsea eco 20, but I split them half in there and half in my new to me Brinsea hatchmaker to see which I got a better hatch from.
So far its the hatchmaker, with 3 chicks out and 1 working on it.

I didnt, however, even candle the eggs when I put them on lockdown. That might have helped knowing how many were alive at lockdown.

No pics yet.
I have five guineas out and more starting to crack through. I lost one earlier to a soft belly
so hopefully that is out of the incubating system. They weren't supposed to hatch until monday, but I guess they couldn't wait. Hope everything goes good. This can be so nerve racking.

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