*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Hi everyone well day 17 for my broody silkie her eggs are due to hatch on wednesday. Good news is i got another silkie that went broody i put 8 eggs under her today they should be due to hatch on the 28th of august.

It's out of the egg, laying on another egg, it looks SO tired... but it raised its head and cheeped when I took a picture!

I have a live chick!! I hatched it! Well, the Brinsea did....
OH MY GOSH CONGRATS!! That is so wonderful!!!! Especially for a first incubator hatch yaaaay! I am a bit intimadated by incubators lol. Good job though!! I am excited to see the results of the rest

Do the rest of the eggs follow suite? Or do they have their own time periods?
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Earlier this evening, another turken hatched, then 2 of my eggs RIR/Red Star chicks. Last time I had checked, only 1 was zipping and the one pipped at the wrong end wasnt doing much!
So thats 2 out of my 4 so far, and 1 isnt due to hatch till the 9th!

4 turkens total. Still waiting on the black one. Last I checked it still hadnt done much. Might have to help it out a bit.
I went and removed the shell and membrane in the zip formation. The black chick got out on its own but looks like has swollen bottom side (maybe it just had absorbed the yolk?). So
it is up and moving around in the morning.
No pips in the other 2 turken eggs
or my other RIR/Red Star egg

Now if only the RIR/BO egg of mine hatches in the next day or so, 3 out of 4 aint bad!
Day 7 - tossed out three clears on my silkie eggs and three blood rings (these eggs are so tiny it's easy to see right through them and the blood rings were NOT veins - you could see actual blood sloshing around). Only one of these was marked 'good' from the first time I checked - the rest were either questionable or already clear. Left all the bigger egg clears in the incubator (two olive eggers and a blue orp) and the "not sure' dark brown eggs as well - but put them in my hovabator with a few rows free just in case I don't catch an exploder. Would rather it gets the hovabator than my brinsea
. So I have one row of 'recandle at day 10' and the rest get to move on to stage 2.

I have one olive egger with an obviously detached air cell but I am almost positive there's a chick in there (veins, I *think!*) - it will be upright in a turner so I'm leaving it in and we shall see what happens.

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