*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Lockdown is Tuesday for the Button Eggs!

Good Luck Mrs Fluffy Puffy​
Hi all, Just put in 65 Sebright eggs in the bator.... gold and silver
Also have 8 pied runner crosses in there too..... I've gone completely mad
But I LOVE it HAHAHA. Happy hatching vibes guys
Stormy, if you transfer from incubator incubation to broody hen incubation, just keep counting as if nothing happened. The reason we don't count the first day as a day is because the eggs are warming up from room temp to incubation temp, and once at incubation temperature, it takes a hours yet for the heat to actually trigger the beginning. If they are already incubating and at temp, there's no reason to delay counting days
TOday is day 23....I don't know what to do!! They look the same (from the outside)
should we candle again? Someone on the forum told me they had eggs hach afer 28 days.... should I just leave them?
Well, bad news first.....tried to cut my finger off with filet knife yesterday, so am 'pecking' at keyboard. plz bear with my typos.

now to the good news
yup, i have 3 pips this morning, one of them zipping.

@ stormy: the 10th would be your day one. good luck with your hatch

@julie: you're not alone with weirdo eggs. i have two with little bubbles in there. one shows a tiny live embryo, the other n i cant tell yet. but i am pretty sure mine are like that cuz i had them shipped.....corner of package was dented <sigh> am surprised any of them at all are making it this far. if the chick is still alive, i would leave the egg in the bator----but that's just me. go with your gut feeling, i say. gooe luck and i hope that one egg in particular makes it for you.

i wish good hatching for everyone
I started incubating my eggs on Saturday the 31st at 4AM. That's early enough to count that as day 1, right? Was planning to do lockdown wednesday at around the same time (I get up early..

All 43 eggs still alive and kicking as of this morning. EEP! Oh, and it appears ALL of my detached air cells are now re-attached, although some are off center. YAY, there's hope!
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zipper is hopping around the bator
the other 2 are still working on zipping

ive been a good girl, am leaving lid on bator, but man is rough trying to stay bent over it shining a flashlight and peeping thru vent holes, lol.
both my windows need to be replaced, cant see much thru them anymore

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