*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Checked on the incubator this morning ..................................................... NOTHING!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Checked on the incubator this morning ..................................................... NOTHING!

Where your temperatures a little low? Maybe they're just being late bloomers.
With my coturnix eggs I had some hatch on Day 15 (
) and some hatch on Day 19! Sometimes it just takes some a little longer.
Where your temperatures a little low? Maybe they're just being late bloomers.
With my coturnix eggs I had some hatch on Day 15 (
) and some hatch on Day 19! Sometimes it just takes some a little longer.

My temp is at 100 - 101 and for the hum I just have a pan of water. Last time mine hatched on day 17. I think somebody told me that Button Quail hatch almost the same time you set them in the bator?
I lost one, sniff. zipped halfway around and dried out even with condensation on the windows. I probably decided to step in about 10 minutes after it was already dead. It was a HUGE chick for the egg, so that may have had something to do with it.
I'm in with the in crowd now!!!! Got 12 maran eggs via usps today and in the bator they went. Placed 12 of my own (my chicken's obviously) in there with them. Very excited!!!! First time using an incubator and glad to have lots of company while I wait for my babies! Glad it's not like myyyyyyyyyy babies 9.5 months!!!!
I tell ya, I LOVE the brinsea as compared to the hovabator. Maybe I will not say the same thing tomorrow on hatch day but the hovabator (which HAS shown steady temps and humidity but who knows how accurate they are? I have three thermometers including a brinsea spot check in there!) has had early chicks which are showing problems, shrinkwrapped chicks even when I can see steam on the windows, and two dead in shell so far (one pipped it's blood vessel, one dried out when I didn't help it after it started zipping and stopped). Brinsea - no early chicks, all nice pips in the right spots, humidity dead on, etc. Now I know to never buy more than 24 eggs at a time.
I do have one healthy somewhat on time silkie - very pretty white one who is screaming bloody murder because it's the only one in the bator.

I'd love to try another hatch, but let's see how this one plays out. I have too many chickens already.
I think my preemie chick has crookneck - it keeps walking backwards. Gave it poly-vi-sol and have the vitamin E ready for later, but may not be helpable. It walks forward most of the time and isn't flopping over.
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I have 42 Eggs in the Bator that should hatch by next Wednedsay. 36 are Ameraucana eggs which should be Lavender/Lav Split. I am hoping for Lavenders but any that hatch will be great. This is the first time setting my own flocks eggs and I am excited. I also have one Silver Ameraucana on 6 eggs that should hatch next week and should be the same Lav/ Lav Splits.


Little blue bantam cochin is hunkered down on about 14 bantam eggs. They will also hatch next week and I am sooo excited.

If all goes well and I had good fertility I hope to have lots of blue cochin babies and lav ameraucana babies running around my brooder this weekend and next week.

Good luck everyone on your hatches.

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Where your temperatures a little low? Maybe they're just being late bloomers.
With my coturnix eggs I had some hatch on Day 15 (
) and some hatch on Day 19! Sometimes it just takes some a little longer.

My temp is at 100 - 101 and for the hum I just have a pan of water. Last time mine hatched on day 17. I think somebody told me that Button Quail hatch almost the same time you set them in the bator?​

Yeah, most of mine did hatch on Day 17, but 2 hatched on Day 15.
It was a huge shock for me, cause I peeked into the bator to look at the temp and I was like "OMG WHAT IS THAT LITTLE CHIRPING WET THING!?" xD

Sorry for your loss Featherz.

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