*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

My temp is at 100 - 101 and for the hum I just have a pan of water. Last time mine hatched on day 17. I think somebody told me that Button Quail hatch almost the same time you set them in the bator?

Yeah, most of mine did hatch on Day 17, but 2 hatched on Day 15.
It was a huge shock for me, cause I peeked into the bator to look at the temp and I was like "OMG WHAT IS THAT LITTLE CHIRPING WET THING!?" xD

Sorry for your loss Featherz.

You see my incubator is solid wood and I can not see inside so I had to open the door really fast this morning to see if anything hatched.
At least half my eggs are in the brinsea and one silkie just popped out, no trouble whatsoever. So I know it's the hovabator and/or my management of it. Next time I'm idiot proof all the way. One blue orp is out (early) and one jersey giant (also early). The JG has a huge comb!! I assume I've got a boy there. LOL.

So far 8/20 from the hovabator so not all is lost..
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I listened to the button eggs and I'm farely sure 2 - 3 of them are rotten

2 of the eggs I can hear them pecking inside and are you ready for the awesome news? One of them has a hair line crack at the bottom!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I listened to the button eggs and I'm farely sure 2 - 3 of them are rotten

2 of the eggs I can hear them pecking inside and are you ready for the awesome news? One of them has a hair line crack at the bottom!

I just candled a couple of my BR eggs, and quite a few have good veins and the oldest two have moving little embryos!!! I is excited!
Congrats Mrs. Fluffy Puffy!!!
Keeping my fingers crossed for the lil ones. I bet they are going to be ultra cute..
What does one do with button quail anyways? they seem awfully small - do they live in a birdcage? a coop?

My brinsea has produced another chick and almost all the 19 eggs have pips! I'd be worried about how crowded it is in there but I've seen pics of others hatching out 7 eggs in a mini and the chicks all squashed in there so hopefully mine will be ok. I won't open the incubator I won't open the incubator!
Go Chickies!

My button quail live in large dog cages w/ screen wire sewed over the whole pen so they can not get out.

They are mostly my pets but I am trying to become a small breeder. But in order to do that I must get a few pairs.

So I am incubating every chance I get. Once I get some pairs I will sell some of the babies to a pet shop that I have already contacted and they said they'd try them out and I will also sell pairs and hatching eggs.

I only have 1 female that is laying right now so it takes 6 days to get 6 eggs. I already have another 6 eggs saved up ready to go in the incubator as soon as the ones in there hatch!
Beth G. :

I'm getting excited. I culled my eggs on the eighth day and so far so good with the rest. Lockdown is on Monday and I am getting really excited!!!

Awesome! Keeping my finger's crossed for you!

My one chicken egg is hatching Sunday, your's is the day after!

What are you hatching?
I have 10 (left, started with 12) Black Ameraucana eggs, 10 Lavender Cochin Bantams, 10 neighborhood Bantams I begged off neighbors, and 16 of my mixed bag of chickens' eggs in my Hovabator. I am so nervous and excited. It has been near impossible to regulate the temperture. I have the bator in my travel trailer because I thought I could keep the temperature in there more steady than in my house. I kept the furnace going all the time to keep the night temps up (outdoors it's usually 50). But the days have fluctuated from 65 to 95 here. If anything it seems the temp would be low more often than not. I was more concerned with the thing not cooking my eggs. But so many times I went in in the morning and crum! Inside temp of the bator would be around 94.. I am so hoping the eggs will be slowed down some from the low temps. I am so scared I won't get anything. I only partially candled once because I didn't want to keep the lid open too long. Found quite a few 'empty' eggs. I really like a good broody hen but the only one I have is a Mille Fleur and she snuck off from her first hatch (they are well grown) and hid in their little house and started a whole new batch. Of all the eggs I don't want is more of them. I would pull them away from her and give her my Lavenders but for the fact, I don't want those Lavs to be skitzy and flighty like she is.
I just so want to have some babies from this hatch. If I don't, I am waiting till next spring to start again.

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