*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

chickee: That is so nice of the breeder!

Your lil' chickie is so adorable .. why don't you send send him on over to me

Yes, the breeder has been great! 10 of the 16 eggs didn't look fertile so she is sending me another dozen.
Thank-you for complimenting my chick
I think he needs to stay here and take care of his two little Polish Bantam buddies that I had to buy to keep him from being lonely! Those two are a riot! Here is a picture of them.
Yes, the breeder has been great! 10 of the 16 eggs didn't look fertile so she is sending me another dozen.
Thank-you for complimenting my chick
I think he needs to stay here and take care of his two little Polish Bantam buddies that I had to buy to keep him from being lonely! Those two are a riot! Here is a picture of them.

Oh, come on! You can spare her!

G'Night Everyone!
Talk to ya in the morning!
Well with a little 'help' (ahem) my hovabator has produced 14 chickens out of 20 eggs with the potential of a couple more that are still in 'chick ICU' (I helped em pip and wrapped them up). If I use that one again I'll take the great advice here and try dry hatching and get a replacement hygrometer! All chicks that are currently in the brooder are running around and looking happy.

On the other hand my brinsea is popping them out like popcorn. That thing is so small and they are so squooshed in there I can't get an accurate count but there's easily 8 or 9. maybe 10. or more. LOL. (20 eggs). I'm trying to wait until the pipped ones pop out before taking this batch of chicks out - Poor dears are draped over eggshells everywhere.

So I'll be pushing close to that 50% shipped eggs number (when you count in the blood rings) and may even top it - not bad for a crappy mistake filled hatch. And they are so cute!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Nothing hatched this morning ... it's going to be a long day

Go little guys go!!!!!!!
Mommy is waiting for you!!!!

I did finally cave and open my brinsea. 12 little guys stuffed in there was making it hard for anything else to hatch. Maybe brinsea assumes everyone uses a separate hatcher cause these guys were literally pressed up against the plastic (I have jersey giants in there as well as blue orpingtons and little silkies). 2 more have hatched since then and two more pipped. Three eggs with no activity, but hey, that's a great hatch even if those three are duds. 16/19 potentially if those three are no good.
One of my weakest little silkies from the other incubator didn't make it, but I knew he wouldn't. He was very very tiny but had a LOUD peep. Had him wrapped in a warm towel in the incubator so he could pass in comfort. NOT the one I posted about yesterday, who seems to be doing fine!

Oh and all the 'chick ICU' patients made it out of the egg
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Go little guys go!!!!!!!
Mommy is waiting for you!!!!

I did finally cave and open my brinsea. 12 little guys stuffed in there was making it hard for anything else to hatch. Maybe brinsea assumes everyone uses a separate hatcher cause these guys were literally pressed up against the plastic (I have jersey giants in there as well as blue orpingtons and little silkies). 2 more have hatched since then and two more pipped. Three eggs with no activity, but hey, that's a great hatch even if those three are duds. 16/19 potentially if those three are no good.
One of my weakest little silkies from the other incubator didn't make it, but I knew he wouldn't. He was very very tiny but had a LOUD peep. Had him wrapped in a warm towel in the incubator so he could pass in comfort. NOT the one I posted about yesterday, who seems to be doing fine!

Oh and all the 'chick ICU' patients made it out of the egg

Thanks for the support!

Hope those other 3 eggs hatch for ya!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Nothing hatched this morning ... it's going to be a long day

Come on chickies!
I haven't been following this thread since I joined in and hatched my eggs 2 weeks ago~ So what kind of chicks are you hatching?
Sending good vibes your way!

Here is a picture of my only chick to hatch 2 wks ago with its pipe cleaner chick shoes to correct curled toes!
Come on chickies!
I haven't been following this thread since I joined in and hatched my eggs 2 weeks ago~ So what kind of chicks are you hatching?
Sending good vibes your way!

Here is a picture of my only chick to hatch 2 wks ago with its pipe cleaner chick shoes to correct curled toes!

I am hatching Button Quail and 1 chicken egg from my favorite chicken ever ... Mrs. Fluffy Puffy! I am really excited because I have never ever hatched an egg from her before so I'm hoping the baby'll look just like her - my Blue JG roo has been breeding her so it should be interesting to see what color it will be!
I'll post this later in the emergencies section, but just curious as everyone here is hatching now.. I have a huge JG chick that hatched a few hours ago and appears to have maybe a slipped tendon? I thought it was spraddle leg but one leg just sticks all the way back and even with a splint he can't get it up under him. I tried to manipulate it back as others have done but I can't figure out where it's slipped. Is it usually at the 'hip' or at the 'knee'? I was all prepared to cull the poor thing but I wanted to check and see if there's a fix. He's a huge chick as I said - he probably threw something when trying to get out. He's back in the incubator resting it off for the moment.

Also, one chick has seriously dried egg white (or whatever) on a wing.. safest way to get it off? it's hard as a brick! I've tried warm water and a cloth but not making a dent..
OMG - I have 2 Baby Buttons!

I went out the the incubator to put 6 more Button eggs in the incubator and one of them was at the back of the incubator and 1 of them was still in the egg carton! I cannot believe how fast they hatched! I checked on them this morning and there wasn't even a pip!


I have to dowload them to the computer and then upload them to BYC .....

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