*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Oh Fluffy how sad. I had one that did the same thing. It piped and cherped and I left it as it was our first chick. I heard it at 3am but thought oh it will be hatched by morning. In the morning it was dead and I was so sad because if I knew it was in trouble I could have done something at 3am it was my last opertunity to help and I didn;t. It is hard when that happens. I don;t know why they die like that. We had two others after that we did help and they are fine. Your doing good kid - very often one or two die for no reason we can see. Seldom is there ever 100% hatches all of the time.

Oesdog - keep going with the others you do have!

I am happy!
One of the baby quail isn't doing so well keeping my finger's crossed for him!
My August hatches include.....
Jumbo Brown Cotournix- about 40 hatched, about 40 to go.

Peachicks- 7 hatched, about 30 to go, & picking up 2 dozen more tomorrow

Blue Slate/ Royal Palm turks- 8 hatched ( sorry, no pic)

Red Shouldered Yokohamas- 8 hatched, 4 to go.


Racing Homeing Pigeons- 1 hatched, 1 to go.

My incubator NEVER shuts down.
WOW seeing all these fuzzy butts is getting me EGGCITED!!!

I can not wait till mine hatch on tuesday!!!!

I think my husband is jealous he says u are more excited about Darn chicks than you were the day I asked you to marry me!
LOL All I could do was grin
Very Very nice...now one question....when do you sleep? LOL...I especially love the peachick...how easy are they to raise..be honest with me..,I have tried and tried with no success..
Everyone has such cute chicks!!

We are on day 22 here and still waiting on 'anything' to happen. I 'think' I've heard a peep but not positive and no pip or zip so I set here waiting and going nuts. Should I candle them? Do I leave them be? Do I scream and pull out my hair?? Yup the latter would be me!! lol Reason for my frustration??: Last week I woke to cooled off eggs, our heater had went out
I had 2 LG's going and Serama eggs in one...soooo I had to pile the Serama eggs on top of my assortment of Polish, Silver Lakenvelders, Cochins, D'uccles and Naked Necks.. put the top off the other LG onto them all and prayed for everything to be ok. Went to town and raised a lil' h^## with a store manager and got a brand new lid for it. Got back home and brought it to temp and re'arranged the eggs again... Stress seems to be my middle name lately!!
You just need to be patient. - your hatch may be delayed due to the drop off in temp but they should be ok. You have to think of a chicken it doesn;t keep the eggs at one temp all of the time - sure doesn;t she get fed up and go out and eat and run about the yard a bit then she goes back to the eggs eventually. A deal of the time especially in the colder weather they get cold but they still hatch out don;t they? So don;t fret just yet give it a while. - I had two chicks hatch 6 and 7 days later than the rest and they are fine!

Oesdog -
patience it is!
Tomorrow I start the lockdown process. I can't wait. With all the problems I have had during this process it will be amazing if I see babies. I have the other little babies outside in a homemade brooder. If any of you have younger kids I used a supergate covered with welded wire. I put a tarp over it for shade and rain protection for when it rains. It works like a charm. The supergate mesh is too small to let anything "in". It is pretty large so the chicks can stay there for a good while. Someday I will get around to take a picture of it. I put the babies out there at three weeks, they love it!
Is it going to make problems that the turner stopped them at somewhat of an angle?
Patience is SOOOO not my strong suit! lol

EdistoChicks good luck on 'lockdown' I think that such an exciting time!! I would love to see your brooder too!!

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