*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Is it going to make problems that the turner stopped them at somewhat of an angle?
Patience is SOOOO not my strong suit! lol

EdistoChicks good luck on 'lockdown' I think that such an exciting time!! I would love to see your brooder too!!

To be honest I am not sure - I do know to turn them when they are pipping can get them confussed and they don;t know where they were so its not a good idea to move them when they are zipping. I have never used a turner so don;t know how to make it move them into a better position? I always turn by hand.

Sorry I am not much help on that one. - also I only ever hatched Chickens nothing little like Quail. Principle is the same though. good luck!
Question for you August hatching peeps. I have eggs that I placed in my LG the 18-20th. I just watched my silkie who only mates with my silkie roo lay an egg. This is her first egg since she went broody a couple of months ago. I in a fit of excitement shoved her egg in the bator too...... Did I do a booboo? She is beautiful and so is he. Is it so wrong to want one of their babies???? I probably should have consulted you guys first-but hey I had the chickie fever!

Any egg is worth hatching, but you have a staggered hatch now by a few days so you have to figure out how to get the humidity right at the end. Some of the more experienced members here can probably help you set up a staggered hatch, I tried it once and lost all but one chick because I did it wrong!

My August hatching is done now, four chicks out of fourteen, so not as disasterous as July but close. I just set up for September with THIRTY Australorp eggs!!! I love these little penguin chicks. They're so friendly and so... ACTIVE. Hardly sleep a wink it seems!!!
D'Angelo N Va. :

Very Very nice...now one question....when do you sleep? LOL...I especially love the peachick...how easy are they to raise..be honest with me..,I have tried and tried with no success..

I'm raising some right now, and they are a JOY to raise... but they are work, and they are LOUD. If you want a bird you can toss in a brooder and offer food and water with no extra work, peachicks are not for you. I change their bedding every other day, their water is mixed with bird vitamins and pedialyte, freshly mixed daily, and their food is mixed as well- medicated chick starter and game bird starter, plus extra 'treat's on the side... wet cat food, crickets, watermelon, squashes, etc... They spend a lot of time out of the brooder with me, but never on the ground... there's a lot they can pick up from the ground that can make them sick or kill them.

@mama2many: If both your egg groups are bantam eggs (silkies are bantams, but you didn't say what the others were), then you've staggered the hatch at just the wrong number of days... You will have 2 lockdowns right in a row, instead of 1 lockdown, hatch, and another lockdown. Usually 5-6 days should be given between settings if you are going to stagger a hatch, so that you have a small amount of time for the first lockdown to hatch and you to remove the babies before the next lockdown. Unfortunately, what is done is done. Your best bet is to lock them all down together and hope for the best. If the first group was standard sized chickens, you may be all right as the silkies have a shorter incubation period.​
ok im new to this got a little g. and it burnt up got a hovebater and put 10 eggs in it last night i think the next step is to candle the eggs about the 14th day,right?
You can wait till day 14, most people candle around day 10. Make sure your temp and humidity are all right. There's a sticky thread index at the top of the hatching eggs forum, you should definitely read through those topics while waiting! Lots of really good information.
I have BCM and mixed flock eggs in the incubator. I also have a second incubator prepared for lock down. I'm so glad silkie mamas egg will be ok! I'd love to hatch one of her babies! They are so cute. Thanks for the advice I'll keep you posted.

My most recent hatch was actually BCM and Silkies lol! Since your first batch was standard, lock them all down together, including the silkie and they should all hatch around the same time. Good luck!

Oh, and if she lays any more, they're OK to sit in a cool place, pointy end down out of the incubator for ~10 days... so if you're going to set them too, wait a week and set them all at the end of the 7 days. But, if you haven't got an auto-turner then I wouldn't set any more of them or you'll have to open it during lockdown to turn them.
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