*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Most people, I think, don't let their broody in with the rest of the flock for a little bit after the chicks hatch because the other chickens will sometimes pick on or even straight up kill the new chicks regardless of whether or not they watched them hatch... So I'm not sure there's much of an easier either way.

I free range my birds, and I let my mamas keep the chicks and raise them. It is easier all the way around. I separate them for a week or two, and then let mama introduce them as she wants. My broodies have always been very protective and I've never had a chick hurt or killed by the flock. After the babies hatch, I put them into a separate little coop with mama. After a week or two, I just open the door a bit so they can come out as they please and it doesn't take long at all for them to be integrated with the flock.
Yes, that is what I was talking about... most people don't let them just be in with the flock immediately. You separate yours for a couple weeks first.
Okay - This morning my one egg still hasn't hatched so if it still hasn't hatched by day 28 in gonna be thrown out.

I set 6 new Button Quail eggs in last Saturday due: Sunday, Septemeber, 5th.
This morning Mrs. Fluffy Puffy layed another egg and so did Julia, my Dark Blue EE hen so I put both of those eggs in the incubator. Since we maynot be around much next week. I cleaned out a Plastic maid storage tub and I'm gonna put a broody hen in there and give her the 2 eggs.

My broody hen that is setting on 12 guinea eggs should hatch something out pretty soon!
Yes, that is what I was talking about... most people don't let them just be in with the flock immediately. You separate yours for a couple weeks first.

I did bring her in yesterday evening as there was an egg crushed! A younger girl climbed in to lay an egg with her ! this time the chick was alive I brought it in wrapped the shell in wet towel and it later died it wasnt due to hatch till wednesday
my roo was very upset he sat in her nesting box and called for her all nite! so today I showed her to him and he's better!
so she is safe and sound in the house
here is the baby they killed

OHHH YEAH!!!!!!!

I've got a pip!!!!
I believe Egg is from my Delaware hen and daddy is a leghornx? (cross) in my avatar!
i can hear it cheeping and scratching and pecking away in there!!
@ Afish: Grats on your pip and sorry about your crushed egg... that's usually why broodies get separated from the flock before hatching.... accidents happen
Good luck with the rest of the hatch!
I got a baby around 9pm 2nite!!!! eastrn time that is !!! Seems to be all black with white feathers on underside! too cute toik around 8 hours to hatch completely



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