*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

EdistoChicks: Splash Orpingtons ... I WANT SOME!!!
Is it okay for the eggs to hatch on cheesecloth that got wet? My moisture rings in my incubator have holes and are completely ineffective. I would hate for something to happen to these little guys now

Somehow I missed this thread?!
I got my dream eggs, French Wheaten Marans
, they were due to hatch the 21st, and wrapped up the 24th. Here's my new brood! From egg to chick...






Congratulations to everyone else on their hatches as well, and good luck to the upcoming ones!!!!!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

afishel: How many more do you still have in the incubator waiting to hatch?

I have 18 in bator now I started them in the evening on Sunday the 22nd.
I have 8 from my flock just like the ones hatching now w/ broody
and the other 10 are from my Aunt's flock MIXED she has Barred rocks, sex links, buff orphingtons, and prolly a few more that I have forgotten LOL I will hafta write them down next time I go visit They are all free range so who knows who tagged what one LOL
They should hatch on the 12th of September

Violet Cute chics !! glad you joined us!!
Edisto I cant wait to c your chicks!​
With luck, I am setting 6 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 4 cuckoo maran, four b/b/s orpingtons, a couple of cochin eggs and two or three splash maran. All picked up from a local seller, so that's why such an assortment. My silkies from the last hatch are doing great!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Oh, French Wheaten Marans!
I was wondering what those were!

Are you going to be hatching in September BioletBlueIvy?


I would be afraid it could get too cold too soon. These ones will only be two months old by the time we start having regular frosts.
I will be again in the spring though! Making plans........​

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