*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Went on lock down on Monday and woke up at 3:30 this morning to 2 new babies just checked and I now have 11:
OUTback that is AWESOME congrats!!!

Mrs fluffy puffy I do not know if I gave you the answer you want ? or not

this batch under my broody there are 3 left # 7 #8 and # 11
then as I said above 18 in bator will hatch sept 12

I have question

I candled and # 7 and 8 are into their air sac/bubble how long do they take after the chick are into that?

anyone know?
12 of my eggs are mutts from my flock and a few americauna mutts from a friends flock, 24 of them are light brahma chicks i ordered from ebay. I came home today and found 3 chicks running around in the bator a whole day early! Ill get some pics up when i can but i have the bator up high so it wont get bothered. At first my wife didnt mind the bators in the bedroom, now she isnt to fond of the pipping lol.
outback hatcher: That's awesome! And you didn't stay up all night staring at the incubator! Good Job!

afishel: I just meant, how many eggs still hadn't hatched.
I do not have an answer to your question - sorry!

icemanchicken: 3 Early! Awesome!
How many eggs are you incubating?
well I got egg # 8 about to hatch in the next 15 minutes or so!!!

After egg # 8 hatches I will have 2 eggs left # 7 & # 11!

That is great Ice man!
ok, so it looks like I might have 9 baby chicks....out of 24 is not good. I am convinced that it is my fault for not doing lockdown early enough. I had no idea they would hatch 2 days earlier...ughhhh!!! oh well, the ones I have a real cuties though.
I have 4 eggs pipping, nice loud chirping from the bator. I had their brooder outside on the back porch drying after I cleaned it and it rained! Arrggghhh!....I am so interested to see what the splash babies look like. They came out of greenish tint eggs. A few were brown (like I thought they should be) but a couple were olive. Is that odd for bbs orps? Either way. I am doing the chicken dance right now! Come on eggs, you got 4 friends chiping out!
Congrats! Pictures Please!

I am so interested to see what the splash babies look like. They came out of greenish tint eggs

Edisto, me too! I haven't heard of these before, I will have to go look some up! They sound intruiging. I love my Australorp hen, she has great personality and looks.
Please post pics if you can!

Congrats afishel!

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