Do you think it's a breed thing or a socialization issue or maybe his specific genetics/line?
I’m not sure. Probably a breed thing because the woman whose dog we bred Beau with said that Sadie was skittish too and that most collies are when younger.
My Aussie was a rescue from abuse at eight weeks old. She's the best and worst guard dog ever. She'll bark her head off if anyone comes on the property, but she's barking to get their attention so they'll pet her. She investigated my chicks when I first put them out, got pecked on the nose, and has been scared of them since then. As a pup, I had to run her for about five miles at around 20-30 miles per hour, sometimes up to 35, to wear her out when she got 'hyper'. Now she's nine and a couch potato, though people still think she's about two when she gets excited. The shedding 365-6 days a year is a serious issue. I sweep up her 'puppies', aka balls of her hair, every day, all year round, just trying to keep it under control. They need frequent brushing, and if you live where there's cheat-grass and foxtails like I do, shaving isn't a bad idea to keep them from burrowing in and embedding under the skin. Just brushing won't take those out. Even shaved, she manages to shed an absurd amount.

The only thing she seriously fears is thunder and gunfire. As a puppy I took her out shooting with me all the time, and she had no problem with it. Then I took her to a place that, unbeknownst to me, someone had just shot a dog the day before. I don't know what she smelled... but... She didn't even make it out of the truck before she went into a full-blown, screaming panic, and ever since then, she's been scared of gunfire and thunder, explosions, any loud thundery or sharp noise.

Oh, one other thing... she freaks out if I cough. I blame that on recurring lung problems I've had since before getting her, the aftermath of being heavily exposed to black mold for a year before it was discovered what was making me sick.
Also forgot to mention, Beau is a smooth coat collie, so he has short hair. There is also rough coat, which will look like lassie. Beau sheds much less (but still a lot) than a rough, so I suggest a smooth, especially if he/she is running around through woods or tall grasses.
IKR! His feeder, the corner, a doorway, his bowl, a drone... I could go on lol
We used to have a yellow lab that would NOT walk on wood floors. Had a friend keep him for a week while we were out of town....she has all wood floors. We had to borrow throw rugs from everyone we knew to cover the floors. He wouldn’t go in the house until we did!:rant

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