Australians - Where are you all????
Hi fellow Aussies, I don't know if you have heard but this urgently needs your support xxxx
hi at TheChookPatch
thanks for bringing this to our attention - I've clicked on your link to and signed.
Wow - so many informative posts since I was last on - more time in front of the computer, with more chook issues, now that winter is here.

BTW I think I've worked out that my gals need more protein since their moult.
Thanks for the tip on potatoes and Bran! I wouldn't have thought of bran - just wheat bran from the supermarket???
They were into the grated cheese I gave them a couple of days ago.
Thanks everyone
Thank you guys so much for your support..,I'm just a single mum with a small rare breed chicken hobby farm in Victoria... I will update if there is anything we can do and also how we go in court on Thursday... Hopefully with good news that we are able to have our birds re-tested and healthy birds delivered to their owners. The ARPIS staff are doing the best they can and as a syndicate member I have good faith in them that they will be crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's.... xx

By the way redfeather I find scrabbled eggs works great but if I want to give a boost after moult I use sardines or other little fish
Thank you guys so much for your support..,I'm just a single mum with a small rare breed chicken hobby farm in Victoria... I will update if there is anything we can do and also how we go in court on Thursday... Hopefully with good news that we are able to have our birds re-tested and healthy birds delivered to their owners. The ARPIS staff are doing the best they can and as a syndicate member I have good faith in them that they will be crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's.... xx By the way redfeather I find scrabbled eggs works great but if I want to give a boost after moult I use sardines or other little fish
Congratulations - I heard the ABC report the injunction worked. Good luck with the next step. Keep us posted.
Thank you guys so much for your support..,I'm just a single mum with a small rare breed chicken hobby farm in Victoria... I will update if there is anything we can do and also how we go in court on Thursday... Hopefully with good news that we are able to have our birds re-tested and healthy birds delivered to their owners. The ARPIS staff are doing the best they can and as a syndicate member I have good faith in them that they will be crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's.... xx

By the way redfeather I find scrabbled eggs works great but if I want to give a boost after moult I use sardines or other little fish
What a great idea ... I wouldn't have thought of opening a can of tuna or sardines to give to my chooks. My chooks need all the help they can get protein wise and any other goodies that will sustain them through their moult ( AND laying at the same time !! ) .... but I have backed off giving them too many greens at the moment. For some reason, they are not fond of scrambled eggs, but will try that again.

Cheers ...... AB
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Wow - so many informative posts since I was last on - more time in front of the computer, with more chook issues, now that winter is here.

BTW I think I've worked out that my gals need more protein since their moult.
Thanks for the tip on potatoes and Bran! I wouldn't have thought of bran - just wheat bran from the supermarket???
They were into the grated cheese I gave them a couple of days ago.
Thanks everyone
Grated cheese is excellent. Good protein too. I am careful with the amount of bran I give mine - even though it's a great idea. It can be sprinkled a little into their seed mix ( scratch I call that ) and crumble they get almost daily - but only a small amount of bran a couple of times a week. Although I haven't tried this - I would imagine mixing a couple of teaspoons of bran into a paste with a bit of water might work - I would hand feed them that. Will let you know if I try it that way - and if they take to it. Wheat bran from supermarket ? I am not sure about that. I purchased a bag of bran from the stock produce agent - which had come direct from a flour mill ... which I guess would be made from wheat. It certainly looks the same ...

Cheers ..... AB
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Good morning, I'll be interested to hear the results from your girls and what Linda says.

It's raining here still. Keep yourself warm.
Hi MyHaven ... My girls were quite enthused about the potatos and bran - but took their time eating it ! Linda did specify when I asked her, to not overfeed the bran - and then a customer came in and we didn't get back to that conversation. I can't recall if it was you who talked about 'crumble' ... something I wondered about at the time, as I have used layer pellets for my girls and initially thought crumble was just a mash up of the pellets into smaller bits ( silly me ). Anyway, when last in the produce store - I asked if I could get a small bag of grower or finisher pellets which are tiny, as my girls have somewhat gone 'off' the layer pellets ( from the looks of their feeder ). I had used up the last of grower I had, and they hopped into that like there was no tomorrow. NO said Linda - " if your chickens are laying ( two of them are - and moulting at the same time ) and you feed grower or finisher ( Barastoc or any brand ) ... to them, then you shouldn't eat any eggs while they are on it, because it is laced with medications for the younger chickens. Why not give them the crumble here - it has a lot of protein in it." I came home with the bag of crumble and mix it with the seeds etc. and they love that. So there ya go .... there is soooo much to learn about chickens. Needless to say, I spend a lot of time on this site.

Cheers, AB.
Hi to everyone, I'm pretty new to this site and was wondering how many australians are among the members./img/smilies/caf.gif

I am really enjoying this site and come back at least 3 times a day for a read and to get advice. Thanks to everyone who has answered my questions./img/smilies/hugs.gif

So where are all the Aussies??? Holla Back Aussies with where in this great big land you live./img/smilies/frow.gif

Me, I'm From NSW a Suburb called Charmhaven Its on the Central Coast of NSW about an hours drive north of sydney./img/smilies/bun.gif

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