Australians - Where are you all????

Please help ( and I will post this to the other Aussie thread ). I might be worrying needlessly, but have not found any answers to my questions on any links, on here at BYC, or by Googling all kinds of things about shell-less eggs.

My little Aussie Araucana ( Mindy ) .... has had a couple of bouts of broodiness recently. Got her over those within a few days, she quit laying for a week or so and then produced an egg almost each day beautifully. Now she has backed off again, but is not broody.
Yesterday I found a shell-less egg she had layed in the straw ( not her normal nesting box ) ... it was properly formed and had a soft membrane around it. I handled it carefully so's not to break it, and finally opened it with scissors last night - found an ENORMOUS yolk inside it, and the usual white etc. Threw it out in case of contamination through the fairly thick membrane.

Now - she was doing her thing I thought normally yesterday, when we had a long lot of thunderstorm. I did see on another site where something unusual ( example was a cat meowing ) can upset the laying process, and said last night to hubby that she probably shot the non-completed egg out, in absolute fright at the sound of the thunder claps - and they were big. ( That's my novice thought ).

She has been squatting a lot lately, and squatted again today. Was in her nesting box this morning, but with no result. She has eaten ok, ( scratch mix ) and presume she has eaten her layer pellets as per normal. I won't know the extent of her eating for a couple more days.


Can the production of a shell-less egg, lead to or give indication of her being or becoming egg bound ??? I only ask this now, as she was obviously trying to lay something this morning, with no result. How would I know if she is or is becoming egg-bound. And is it normal for a chicken to lay 'in fright' a shell-less egg ?

Sorry to put so much questioning to you all ... but I am a bit worried ... a BIT ?? Quite a lot. Her behaviour in her run etc. is however normal for her - she is a bit of a neurotic - always on the move and very excitable, especially when she sees our dog who she loves.

Thanking you in anticipation

Cheers ...........AB
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Shell-less eggs can be result of excessive heat. I don't know where you live in Australia but at the moment we are having very hot weather in Queensland and chickens do not do so well if they are heat-stressed. Shell-less eggs can be a result.

What's the weather been like where you are?

Shell-less eggs can be result of excessive heat. I don't know where you live in Australia but at the moment we are having very hot weather in Queensland and chickens do not do so well if they are heat-stressed. Shell-less eggs can be a result.

What's the weather been like where you are?

Live in Victoria which has had excessive heat recently - record breaking stuff ... a couple of weeks back, ongoing. Past two days the temps have fallen dramatically with rain and thunderstorms.
Strange thing is, she dellivered the shell-less egg, on the first day the temps plunged. Prior to that ( 17th February ) she laid her latest 'proper' egg. I think she's up the well-known creek, having had two broody sessions during this summer, followed by what looked like the beginnings of a good moult after the last broody bit - but I won't know if that's the case until she continues ( or not ) to shed her feathers. She is squatting for rooster ( me !!!
) attention. I give her a gentle rough up - neck and back, and she waddles off, fluffs herself up as she should, and then strides off with attitude to find the next interesting thing.

Thank you for your comments. Figures that heat etc. would upset them. Strange thing is my larger chooks ( RIR and Welsummer ) who live separately to Mindy Araucana ( because Mandy Welsummer would kill her if she got half the chance ) ... have not been phased by anything at all ...... massive heat - now rain, thunder, really cold conditions.... nothing. They have continued to produce 5 - 6 eggs per week. Mindy has been spasmodic throughout. Poor wee soul. She doesn't know if she's Arthur or Martha at present.

Thank you for your helpful response and interest.

Cheers ......... AB.
Yes, it's not unusual to see effects a little after the heat. If they are weaker or a bit low after brooding or a heavy moult they will be less resilient. A heat wave can stop them laying completely, but the heavy panting to keep cool affects the blood chemistry and has results such as low bicarbonate levels and shell-less eggs. If that's what's happened, hopefully the eggs have all passed and she will go off the lay for a while and recover.
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Hi , well Im not in Aus either, but just a little further South, over the ditch. Yea New Zealand. I love BYC, so much helpful info.
Im new at having chickens. I have 8 Pekin Bantam hens, and 1 wee rooster. As he was bought withe group Im now wondering about him breeding with his siblings? Is this ok in Bantams, at least for one generation? They are only 4 months old so almost ready to start laying.
I have 3 Aracarna lavender hens too.

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