Australians - Where are you all????

G'day Chrissum,
would have been a while since you've been through Esperance, we can see the lights from the Ports oval from our place.

Kybraboss - G'day! Yes, it was a while back, 1994 and a real good time. Since I retired from the Navy and returned home, to a town of 910 people I am often asked about my travels and favorite ports, without a doubt Australia is at the top of that list. I especially enjoyed the smaller cities like Esperance and Albany. I enjoyed watching Aussie rules football and the locals were very helpful in explaining the rules and play of the game!
Yay more Aussies!!! I haven't checked this post ina while.. I know I'm a slacker, Glad to see so many people from down here on here lol, Just want to give everyone a big hug!!!
Hi from sunny Tassie! I've only just joined and already posted 11 times! Great to see so many Aussies here. I have had chickens for just over a year now, started with a Pekin Rooster who had retired from the show ring, felt he was lonely so got him 2 pekin girls,and it went from there. I live near Launceston - saw somewhere from there on this post a while back - are you still there? I can't for the life of me figure out how to work "my page"! Hence no Avatar. It will get there one day.
Now have D'uccles,silkies,pekin,Barnvellders,Polish, and various mixes of the above. This household is crazy, and we love it that way!

Hi Everyone -

I wrote a message to the moderators asking them to create an Australian sub-forum, but it's not a possibility at this time.
It has been suggested that we Aussies use this thread to keep in touch with one another, ask questions, and share our "aussie" specific ideas.

I've spent a ton of time reading posts on this site and have found it extremely helpful.
I look forward to getting to know you all a bit better here.


Thx - Jen
Thanks for that jen71, I'll check this post everyday from now on. I also added the link to my signature, maybe all us aussies should do that
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