Australians - Where are you all????

Actually I would like to start the ball rolling! Can anyone tell me what they think of "Pestene" lice powder? Is it safe? How old should chicks be before you use it on them? I have heard a few not so good things about it.

I bought some when I found a lice outbreak on my ducks..and couldnt get to my normal feed store. I am actually allergic to sulphur- So thought maybe I shouldnt have been using it at all. I didnt use a face mask or anything- but still didnt have any issues. My problem with lice is coming from all the little wild birds coming in to my back yard to clean up the pellets my ducks leave behind- So I have to continually treat anyway- without knowing if the pestene actually ever worked. Because I cant bathe my ducks in solution due to the risk of them trying to drink the water- I have to rely on spray on type methods- but have just been trying to finish of the pestine so its not wasted.
What have you heard about it??
Hi,Thanks for that. I actually use Pestene on my chickens, and also sprinkle it around the base of the pens and nesting boxes, and it has not caused any problems, but when I bought some at my Vets, he scowled and said it was terrible stuff that I should not be using, he mumbled something about waterways(that is a long sentence for my vet!),then another lady on a forum said that one should not use it and it could be dangerous. As I say I use it on my chickens, but the hens not the younger chicks, I noticed the little ones scratching a bit today and wondered if I should use the Pestene on them? they are 7 weeks old. Like you we have troubles with smaller birds, mainly sparrows, and I think that they bring the lice etc. in, but I am a bit loathe to use the Pestene on such young birds, I really would like to start showing this year and they are my future stars!(Hopefully!)

Just saw your post for DE - what is DE? Excuse my ignorance! Thanks.
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I'd like to know where I can get DE too. Does it have a different name here in australia?? and also i've heard of people using lime in the coop, what type I don't know. Any one have any Ideas?
I use a spray for lice that I get from the local Pet Barn, its for all birds. I can't think of the name now but I'll check soon and post it, it is really good I've used it on the girls twice now and all the lice were gone. I have the same proplem with the wild birds coming into the yard spreading their lice. I haven't used pestene but i'd like to know about that too.
I have found lots of stuff at the City Chicks website, but I haven't ordered anything from there yet.

If this link doesn't take you directly to their DE product, you may have to enter your postcode when you first get to the site. Then go to "feed and care" products, then choose "health" I think.
I just checked out that link...I think they have highly inflated prices on some stuff. I have seen alot of it elsewhere - on line and in shops for a lot less. And the day old ducklings..??? $20 or more each??? Quail for $18 Are they kidding??? I can get them for $3 each...they even charge $5 for a box to take them home in. $25 for a day old sexed Sussex chick ????

Advertising guines fowl as backyard pets???

The Pestine is about $8 more than what I paid at a feed store too.. Bell South have it online for $17.60

Sorry for being all negative...but just saying check for better prices if you can get stuff elsewhere.
That's OK. YOu're just telling it like you see it.

I am new, so I have no comparison for pricing. I knew their chicks were expensive. My chicks were only $3.
Do you know anywhere else we can get DE?

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