Australians - Where are you all????

OK, my Aussie friends....I have a question about magpies. (the bird, not the footy team)

We were in our backyard this afternoon, and the chicks were free ranging & loving it. All of a sudden, 4 magpies flew into our yard and perched on the fence posts & trampoline poles surrounding us and the chicks. They looked and sounded intimidating. Their beaks are so long and sharp.

I rounded up the kids and the chickens and brought everyone inside.
Are magpies dangerous to 6 week old chickens? What about older chickens?
I had never even heard of it..So I googled it. Its for keeping insects numbers down?? I guess its pointless using it in my duck pens as it has to be kept dry to be effective... I will see if I can find it anywhere else...Just for a price comparison at least.

I havent had issues with mapgies- But I have with crows. I sit outside with my young ones sometimes and have to get them inside quick if a crow turns up- as regardless as to whether I am standing 1 metre or ten metres away- they will have a swoop.
Watch out for Currawongs too, they will take eggs AND young birds.
One of my broodies has taken up residence under a hedge in the paddock and this afternoon two currawongs were sitting just above her looking straight at the nest. I threw stones at them to discourage them. As soon as the chicks are hatched I will bring the lot into one of the inside pens, but I don't want to disturb her now. Kookaburras are not above stealing the odd egg either! But I like Kookas on the property as they will kill snakes.

On the Pestene subject I am taking one of my chicks to the vet on Friday, so shall ask him then what he thinks about it & let you know.
Great Thread!
I agree is it sometimes so much easier to speak with people from the same areas... I cant believe other Aussies didnt think to start using this thread more regularly before.. I will make sure I mention it to a few others I know as well.

Some times I feel incompentant telling someone to go ask for "Whatever" at the local TSC.
So you guys think I am right to be wary of Magpies?
Geez...they did look intimidating how they all flew in at once and just sat there making noises at us.

I was going to look at options to leave my chicks out in the backyard more often, but now I will not leave them out there unless I am out with them.
Jen71 - can you put them out in a pen with covering over the roof?? I have to get my ducks out of the house and leave them out even when I am not home. I have been lucky and not lost any- But do have various safe pens I can put them in. I have also bought some small cage type thing from bunnings- They are actually sold as a garden waste storage cage- but are so easy to put together. I have a sheet of masonite I put on top for safety and shade.
I haven't checked Bunnings, but that sounds pretty good.
I found a pet play yard thing at the pet shop near me, but thats $170 for the tallest one and it's open at the top.

Another idea I had this morning was to enclose the area under our trampoline with hardware cloth (or whatever we call it here). Obviously, we won't jump on the trampoline when the chickens are under there. But we have a huge 14 foot round trampoline and the space underneath is just wasted. That way they'd be protected from above, we can move it around the yard as needed, they get to free range, and so much more. (I sound like I'm trying to sell you on the idea. haha)

But wait...there's more....a set of steak knives!

Seriously, though. What do you think? Would it be possible to enclose that area to keep the chickens safe during the day?
I think as your chicks get bigger you won't find the maggies as much as a problem, they will also start to warn each other if a preditor in in the area, if my girls hear or see something that they dont like they head straight for thier coop and stay there until the coast is clear. Do you leave the coop door open when you let them out to free range?

The spray I use on my hens is a pyritherin spray and you can buy it from all pet shops its for all birds and I find it works well.

I think we should post some pics of our chooks!!
here are a couple of mine

This is Spike our 5 mth old partridge silkie

Dipsy (My Fav she is so sweet) bantam/Langshan

Fiffie the buff cochin, Ebony the black silkie pullet, Silkie chick(no name yet) and Miss Poofty head, shes a partridge silkie pullet and is spikes lady friend

I'd love to see your chooks please post some pics!!!!

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