Australians - Where are you all????

Hi fisher07 and
the eggs may still be ok, when one of my girls went broody she would get of the eggs once a day to eat and poop (a giant poop) and have a stretch and a wander around, she was of the eggs for about 20 - 30 mins and she hatched 3 out 5 eggs, so maybe your eggs will be ok too. The day before ours were due to hatch I picked a couple up and had a listen to what was happening inside the egg, its so cute hearing a peeping noise from the eggs, I did it really quickly and gently. you could try doing this saturday afternoon, then you'll kind of know if they are going to hatch on sunday or not. some times it can take up to 23 days for and egg to hatch. My fingers are crossed for ya.

How many other chicken do you have? because if you only have a small flock( I only had 4 before the chicks hatched)you can leave them with mum, I did and they all were fine', the mums are so protective of the chicks, its beautiful to watch the chicks with their mums its so cute.

Oh and where are you from?
I'm in NSW/coast and the weather has been hot for this time of year, its cooling down in the mornings but it was 28 degrees today!! Mumma hen knows how to regulate the tempreture for the chicks with her body, they should be fine with the mums in the coop.
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Ok - I've done it!
We've enclosed the area beneath our 14' trampoline for a daytime run for our chickens.

The girls are only 7 weeks old, but they're ready to be outside. Our coop is being delivered sometime next week (hopefully). So we needed to do something to keep them contained safely while outside during the day.

Here is the link to my thread about closing in under our trampoline with lots of before and after pics. It's so easy to do. I'm glad we did it.
That looks reaaly good Jen71 WOW- thats a decent sized trampoline too.. I just have a smaller rectangular one.. Your girls shouldnt have any problems under there with magpies. And even better yet- Its a great space saver- as the ground underneath cant be used for much else anyway. Great work .
Thank you so much! I am really pleased that we've done it. We talk about things a lot over here, but sometimes it takes awhile to see any action. But not this time!

My girls were out there all day today, and they experienced rain for the first time. It was cute to watch them. "Bert" found her way into the nesting area under cover, then called to the others quite loudly till they figured it out too.

The plan is that tomorrow morning we will carry them out to the run and let them hang out there during the daytime from now on.
Their brooder is still quite small (3' x 2'), but if it's only for nighttime, it should be fine. They seem nice & cozy in there now.
I can be the smae way sometimes...there is always so many tings that need to be done. Glad to hear they like their new home- and having them in a small brooder at night wont worry them Im sure. My little chick spent the night inside last does get a little spoilt but its such a character. I still have to set up some kind of permanent home for it outside yet.
Hi other Aussies,

Have just joined and really looking forward to meeting more of you chook and duck people. I have ten chooks, one more that the council allow but whose counting and four beautiful ducks. We are in Melbourne and the weather has turned decidedly chilly over the last couple of days.

Look forward to getting to know you all.

Mildred, this is the best site for all your info on chooks, and most of the people on here are really nice and full of information. What breeds of chickens do you have? Post some pics of your flock if you like!!! Have fun on here
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Just wanted to tell you all..... The first little Indian runner egg is hatching!!!!!!!! It is my first form young birds I hatched from posted eggs last year. This little one looks to be all yellow from what I can see so far - but i havent separated my colours yet- so could still get a surprise. Cant wait for the litle one to be completely out...My first " own " baby...I am so excited
Congratulations! My eggs are due tomorrow, the first ones I have ever incubated:), keeping the fingers crossed hard!

I have a question for any Aussies that are living in America. I lost a chicken to Cocci today, and was told on the Forum(medical emergencies) to get "Corid". I don't know what it is, but my vet has given me Baycox for the remaining chicks. Are they one and the same thing do you know? This is where it is good to have this Australian thread!

Thanks all.

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