Australians - Where are you all????

Sorry about Riley Ducky
Thanks Satay... but I was just glad he found a home. The main thing was keeping him alive.

Well... My latest news Is I am trying to incubate some Guinea fowl eggs for a lady I know. The incubator was on anyway- and I have heard they are cute when they hatch. But luckily I can hand over the hatchlings when they arrive. Interesting eggs - all speckled. I also get to pick up a new pair of ducks on Sunday. I have seen photos and like them very much so look forward to seeing them. It means I can sell off a pair of the harlequins I bought last year as these have great type- and will compliment some of the offspring I have chosen to keep very well.
What a long day... up at 5.30 am to be able to drive to Ararat to pick up the new ducks. Then up to the block as well. I am looking forward to a good nights sleep - but I am still too excited to really be tired after today. I just love these new ducks- They are to the left of the photo - still very young- but simply gorgeous. Incredible type- with fantastic upright stance and long neck- just like a white Indian Runner. I am now inpatient for spring when I can start on the second generation of my Indian Runners- all but one of my chosen females are too young to be laying It will be a long wait.

Meeting the flock... It was trouble free- and they have been accepted into the flock without a second look from any of the " already here" ducks. Not too good a photo- I will add some in a few days when they have settled in properly.
Hi. I am just outside of Sydney and have 9 girls in my flock - 5 silkies, and 4 Bantams made up of 3 Cochins and 1 Polish. I am fairly new to backyard chooks, I only got my first one 8 months ago. The 4 Bantams were only added to the flock today as I adopted them after their owner could no longer keep them due to moving interstate.
None of mine are prolific layers , but it doesn't bother me, I love them for their dear little personalities and gentle natures!
Welcome Dirtgirl49 .. To both BYC and the Australian thread. So nice of you to take in the extras- I hope they integrate well and are soon adding to the daily eggs you receive.
Thanks duckyfromoz for your warm welcome. Yes I feel blessed that I was lucky enough to answer an ad on another forum and get the girls given to me. I was actually looking at the website to buy more silkies - so I think it was meant to be, saw the ad Thursday and picked the beautiful girls up today.

Thought the new girls had gone walkabout when I went out tonight to put my original 5 silkies away. There on the floor of the cage was one of the new Cochins, (Lavender) nicely settled in, but could not find the other 3 anywhere. There I am with camping light on my head, running around the chicken run looking for the 3 girls. Checked behind everything, up in the tree. Then look back in chook house and there they are roosting on the highest rung in the house. I have never had chickens that could reach the rungs before - so didn't for one moment realise that Bantams were capable of flying/flapping that high. What a relief to find them, I thought they had dug a seçret tunnel under the fence and escaped somewhere!!

Felt very silly - but all the same very relieved!!
Well...after SO many pages on this post not sure you will find me.....but anyways...born in Coolamon NSW here and been in the States for WAY..(26 years) too long , but hey its home now:D Florida is hot and humid just like Brisbane ....grew up mostly in Melb. and took over just like chickens do:lol:
I just candled the guinea fowl eggs and every single one is growing!!! I was shocked since I found out they were all ten days and older by the time I got them into the bator.

I am interested to hatch these guys...but they are taking up space in the incubator- and I want to set more ducks eggs...

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