Australians - Where are you all????

From my experience no . I have never had one go broody. I have many other breeds that are way over broody if anything so mine even themselves out.

Okay, I see, thanks! I would love a broody hen, it would be cool to watch her raise the chicks. In the past we've been the ones to raise the birds, so I'm curious as to wether they might turn out different.
Its terrible isnt it.. Wasting eggs is just so wrong... Mine is about to be empty... And I am NOT SETTING EGGS FOR ANOTHER WHOLE WEEK!!!!! lol...I have to find homes for some of these guys now... I have about 20 babies here now - so a five week break from actually hatching will be good.

Whiteflare...I didnt ignore your question.... I just dont know too much about sex linked chooks - I have had some over the years- but only rescues that were rehomed pretty quick. We have some here right now- but they belong to my Daughter.
From my experience no . I have never had one go broody. I have many other breeds that are way over broody if anything so mine even themselves out.

Okay, I see, thanks! I would love a broody hen, it would be cool to watch her raise the chicks. In the past we've been the ones to raise the birds, so I'm curious as to wether they might turn out different.

I actually have more chickens than ducks and have turkeys too so you can ask any question you like sure one of us on this thread will be able to answer for you.
Hey, no problem! I got from your name that you'd probably know a lot more about ducks, a topic I am pretty much clueless about

Satay: Thanks, great to know there's somewhere I can come for this kinda stuff. I should really spend some more time around the upper sections of the forum
Excuse my ignorance - what is a sex-link chicken??

Here is a picture of my newly hatched blue bearded silky! Only 4 chicks survived the hatch,3 of them Barnevelders. "Someone" cooked the rest of the eggs, I say no more,but Ducky will know!!

I think it's a hybrid that's bred for high production... "sex-link" because when the chicks are hatched the males will be white and the females red, so you can instantly tell if they're male or female.
Thank you, Whiteflare! We actually had a Hyline Brown who disappeared, when I finally found her she was sitting on 30 eggs, she and her 4 sisters had been busy! Unfortunately they were wasted because at that time we had no rooster, and it was summer and I didn't know how long the eggs had been there. But she was definitely broody!!
Gorgeous wooklet.. Oh Dear... I am sorry to hear.. Maybe he would be better off doing cooking in the Kitchen only..

I had the day off work.. I have a toothache that has been getting worse all week- so it was great to spend a day at home with the duckies. I took some cute pics- but will have to upload them.and too tired right right now. I have spent the day doing paperwork for the Footscray Poultry Club Early Show that is on next weekend. Forst for the year for me. I will have 8 ducks in- with my daughter having another 5 or so entries...Still to be decided exactly who... But at least I have the advantage of helping her chose based on the entries already recieved for the junior section. So far thre are no other Junior entries for any of the classes she has birds for...But I havent told her that.

The last of the eggs has hatched- so my incubator will be turned off shortly. Time for a clean out and a few more days to collect some extra eggs and I will restock it. I just cant seem to be able to tolerate it sitting there empty.
No problem!
Hey, that must've been fun.
Whenever I find a hen has been sitting on a nest for way longer than the usual egg-laying time period, I get excited she may be broody. For some reason, thuogh, this always seems to happen in summer when it's 40+ degrees and the only good shade available is inside the nest...

We also found an egg that had obviously been rolled out of the nest by one of the other hens. it must've been there for weeks in the height of summer. My mother did a very dumb thing and decided to boil it. Let me tell ya - the smell WAS NOT good!
Emus are very interesting and lots of fun and laughs but the like to be the rulers of the paddock so look out all new comers, the big chase is on. They make me laugh but at times when I let a new mum and her chicks out it can be chaos. One time a rooster came to the top paddock for a visit and I can say he never tried again, thay didn't hurt him but were quick at showing him the way out.
I have Pilgrim geese and a young pair of Chinese, I'm new at the ducks as I bought 3 Muscovies at the last auction I went to and was lucky to to given another 6 young ones, I was told by many "big mistake" but I must say I think it was the most pleasant mistake if that's what you call it, I love them, they are so quite and dosile and easy to manage, even my husband who has always claimed them as ugly ( that's why I bought them ) now loves them. I love the Indian runners and thought of buying some but feared the dogs may decide to go them due to their upright posture, never know maybe one day.

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