Australians - Where are you all????

No worries wooklet...I will send you down 3 dozen eggs to get you started......
Oh..If hubby wants some too...I can send down an extra 2 dozen for him !!!

I am hearing it will be a more typical winters day here tomorrow. 12 degrees very windy and rain. So much more what I am used to here. I dont think my ducks will be very impressed either. They dont like having to stay inside all day. At least my daughter will be home from school so they can come out for a while at least until the cold gets the better of them.
I just saw this thread, my hubby is Aussie, and living here in Northwest Ohio, near the shores of Lake Erie. He is a retired NSW police, out on hurt on duty.
He is from Corlette, Nelson Bay area, Port Stephens in NSW. I've been to OZ many times. Very lovely there, so far I've only been to NSW and QLD. To visit family.
In fact sitting out here this morning, watching our chooks, come outside the coop into their enclosure, listening to Paul Kelly cd...LOVE HIM! Also love listening to Lee Kernighan, Kasey Chambers and whole lot more.
Nice meeting you all!
I told him that you are sending down 5 dozen eggs, but as this is a family page I have censored his reply "--- ---- --- ----!"

This weather is AWFUL! I felt sorry for the chickens so let a few out,they all came and stood under the back porch and left lots of smelly presents
especially the Malay Game! Oh BTW my Malay Game Pullet laid her first egg today - I was as proud as could be - my little girl laid her very first egg!

And just to prove it, here's a photo!!
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Hi there clbdownunder Nice of you to come say hello. Glad you have had the chance to come and visit our beautiful country.

YAY for the first Malay egg wooklet... Best I not send down those duck eggs after all... you will soon need some room for hatching some of the eggs she lays.. I am getting 3-4 eggs a day, I just brought in the ones I collected this morning- one green egg from the three - and no green ones yesterday- but still 3 I pondered the followed..

Do I have 6 ducks - laying alternate days...

Maybe there is 5 laying- with the younger girls only laying every second day...

Only four laying- hence three eggs each day- and only one green... some of each of the older and younger girls only laying every second day..

Three laying... with the green girl laying a white one yesterday...not likely due to the colour of todays egg....

Which ever it is... Its all better than none laying at all!!

Edited to add.... What a gorgeous egg!!!
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My next lot of ducks are hatching
three pips tonight!!! Cant wait to see these guys.. they are from a trio I separated out a while ago so I knew who was who when it came to if only I had marked the eggs so I knew which duckling belongs to each mother..
Im sure I will work it out once they grow up a little- the two mothers were very different in their colouring and type.
Look forward to the pics!

Did the earth move for you guys today? Hear they had a bit of an earth shake up Melbourne way?
lol.. I heard about it....But I didnt feel anything. i got home to find a section of the back fence down and a shelter sitting on its roof. Lucky my daughter had looked the ducks up a while I didnt have to wonder if their was any squished duckies underneath it. Its quiet a heavy thing- so I was amazed at the force of the wind.
Hi, Aussies!

I haven't checked in in a mad long time

I will be getting new chicks spring next year.

I know I shall name one of them Andy Forrest
(All hens, the shop doesn't sell roos)

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