Australians - Where are you all????

Congratulations! I know just how you feel,having had my Malay game lay her first the other day,and unfortunately the Rooster is still too young. Can you get a gander or are they like roosters? Too noisy!
ducky: That's fantastic!

I don't think I've ever seen a goose egg before. The one my dad fished out of the farm river for me as a kid might've been: it certainly was enormous enough.
The poor thing had been laid in the middle of that river, goodness knows how!

Is everyone in Tassie okay? I heard about the wind and storms
We are good,thanks,probably had worse weather down Hobart way,although it has been pretty filthy here! Still,we didn't loose power,so I'm always grateful for that. Going to Sydney on Tuesday for a week,I see it is 17 there - after our top of 5 today that will feel like a heatwave!
I weighed the egg - it was a small one- only 120 grams.
Well small for a goose...but I would be very worried about any duck laying one that size.

Wooklet- my goose herself is too noisy... She is going to an auction in two weeks.
I will miss her- but we never planned on keeping her long-just for my daughter to show this year- and since she hasnt turned out too well. We still have Ron - she /he was only hatched at Easter- and I would like to keep him / her around for a while as well- But chinese are rather noisy - so we shall see.
I'm glad you're safe!

Tops of 5, I know, most people don't believe Australia ever loses that sunny, tropical stereotyped weather

I'm going to Wollongong in September. I hear that is in NSW.
Yes, I did!

I was dubbed Flarious ursidae by some of the girls in GJF, so I thought that was a nice touch!

Yup, in the city the places only sell female chicks because we aren't allowed roosters

Male chicks usually get the tough life, they're not wanted by battery hen farms, so they are either killed for pet food, or just killed

The poor things.
Well, hello other Aussies, once again

My father's just gone to Perth, he left today, for business.

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