Australians - Where are you all????

Chickens are absolutely adorable. These are my first two and I think I'll always have chooks now. Totally the most under-rated pet!! Did you already post photos of your chooks? You have NH's right?
Yes I have New Hampshires n have a few photos of them. On phone at moment but tried putting picture up on laptop on BYC n can't get it to work. Said had to b certain type file n was the first one mentioned, said would scale down if too big but just won't go. Have the pic on home? Page or had if gone. darn frustrating!!!!!!!
Gotta quickly dash out n bolt door behind girls. Think they gone coop but they always rush out to c me. Frustrating this time night!

Update: had to hold 3 of em back at pop door between coop n run. Have that problem all time unless throw bribe in coop from run thro that door but then they want to run into run with their prize anyway. N if I thro stuff in thro main coop door have to quickly dash into run to pop door n hope they haven't emerged yet! Am forever counting to eight to make sure they all there.

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They're too friendly if there's such a thing!! Hope you got em in ok! What state are you in? It's way dark here in Vic, definitely past chicken bedtime. Besides which, mine are indoors tonight, vet's orders. So cute, they're bok-boking away in a kiddy play pen!
Wish I could have mine bok bokking with me. Win lotto n I'm converting a room For the nights n I'll b fencing a roof over entire yard somehow if can. Can't have chooks freerange as have huge pergola near house I'm sure they'd climb even with wing clip n easily get over fence/roof even. Not worth risk. NHs sposed to b fine in run n I would freak constantly!

My youngest kelpie thinks they're great entertainment but have them well separated. Flimsy fence bout 3 ft from run but enough cos my dogs respect boundaries n never left unattended. Minute baby starts working herself up we all go in house much to her horror. Then she stands at window to watch. Have older kelpie x heeler too - she's beautiful as well!

Were in Adelaide. Where in Vic r u?
Same here
Except more like this.
hmm.png of you guys. yes your all here.
1.2.3. of you guys. yep great. of you. good. yep you guys are here too. and so on for nine coops.

It gets exhausting with all the different breeds.
I find it exhausting with one coop!

Hard to tell them apart, especially as young n growing n changing colour little bit. Two stand out - Raptor who did a taste test on me n Little Angel who's got mottled back and is the biggest pig! Always first to the food!

Can anyone tell me when they're properly mature n no more confusing changes. It would b nice to get to recognize them individually!

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