Australians - Where are you all????

Did think of that but sure they won't cooperate! May have to try it tho!

Has anyone else decided to become vegetarian since they got their girls? I definitely don't want to eat chook no more n quibbles bout meat n pork but figure fish is fair game ( pun intended) lol. Just don't quite know how to do it apart from eating lotsa vegie quiche n fish with salad.

Want to for the animals health not mine but figure may have to have bit red meat now n then in soup etc for my health - ain't the best but I don't wanna eat my girls cuzzins no more. Have bit in freezer sure my dogs will enjoy!

Anyone else feel same way?
I did at first but not anymore.
Again, there are difficult parts of being a breeder. And having too many roosters is a BIG problem. I figured that I was eating chicken anyway. So it would be much nicer to eat my own chicken that I loved then one that was 'just another chicken out there in this big world'. I dont think I could ever kill them myself though.
And I forgot to add.

I get wierd eating eggs though. I can't eat eggs while I'm incubating and for a few weeks afterwards. It just almost makes me throw up. Im fine all other times, it's just when I'm incubating.
I've been mostly vegetarian for quite a while now, with my main concern being the welfare of the animals. I don't eat red meat (but that's cos I don't like it, never have) but others in my family do so I only buy meat from a reputable butcher who sources his meat from farms that treats their animals (and the land for that matter) with respect.

In fact, the main reason I got chooks in the first place was so that I could be sure the eggs I ate were from happy chickens. If you're eating quiche then you'll use your own eggs
- the two cruelest practices I see in our market are battery chickens/ eggs and also battery pork. Most commercial pork comes from pigs that are kept in cages, with their young trying to suckle through bars. It's awful and I can't bear the thought of my money supporting such horrendous practices.
From some reading I've done about chickens I'm also skeptical about 'free range' labels and even some 'organic' brands can be a little dodgy - I once accidentally bought organic eggs and upon closer inspection discovered they were cage hens fed organic feed! I could go on for ages and I do love a captive audience when it comes to these things... so... feel free to ask as many questions as you like and I'll try to answer as best I can. I'm also very sporty so have dietary concerns regarding protein and I can bang on about that for a while too. I have to run and get Coco back to the vet for her barium series today (we might FINALLY find out what's wrong with her) but I'll be back online later.

CYA and wish us luck!!
Guinea Fowl Galore I see ur point about having to eat roosters! Did think if I was on big farm with heaps chooks n saw they had happy lives could possibly eat but still.....

Chickenmumma get outa here! R u my clone. U say all the things I think! Want go veg for animals not me, don't trust egg companies apart from Fryars KI Eggs. And GFG I felt queasy bout my first lot of eggs from my girls week or so ago for some reason n I don't have incubator or rooster

So what I have in freezer is now expensive dog food. Will have occasional red meat. If say can never have will want. Need to buy a cow lol. Don't quite know how to do apart from avoid meat. Will add yoghurt for protein tho lamb concerns but can't try b perfect all at once. So any advice would b good CM. Have wanted to for years, tried couple times but slid back. Eggs r protein!

Best of luck with Coco for sure. I had a dog called Coco - a beautiful girl
Yep, eggs are the perfect protein source for vego's. Dairy is also great and yogurt is excellent for your health 'cause of the good bacteria. It's not for everyone, but tofu can be really nice when cooked well. I also eat lots of legumes such as chick peas (hommus is yum and easy to make). Watch out for your iron levels if you go off red meat. If you're feeling tired, anxious or cranky then it could be low iron. I take a supplement, there are some good ones out there that are really well balanced. I also take the odd Berrocca for b vitamins that I don't get from red meat. I'm no expert so it might be a good idea to see a nutritionalist for some professional advice but those are a few basics to get you started. If everyone in the (western) world reduced the amount of meat they ate then there would be no need for factory farms and destroying the earth so don't worry if you need to eat meat every now and then, just choose carefully and know that you're doing more than most people. Good for you justchookin!
I'm actually not completely sure.
I paid $25 for the postage so I'm assuming that'll be 'good quality postage'
the woman sending me the eggs said that she individually wraps the eggs in bubble wrap then puts them in a box in a sachet. But I'll guess we'll see when they arrive.
I told her to write "hatching eggs" on the box/sachet cause I read somewhere that apparently the postage people think the eggs are actually hatching. being extra careful with them.
I'll keep you all VERY up to date with how everything goes with the blue Australorp
And yes I'm going through Australia post.

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