Australians - Where are you all????

Oh yeah, there's all the REST of BYC that I've completely forgotten about

How much apple cider vinegar do you use JC?
In a 5 litre container I put in 2-3 tablespoons maybe. Didn't measure just slopped bit in. Then drank bit myself. Then read need to drink 2 teaspoons a day in water (humans) so doesn't eat ya teeth. Chook water bowl MUST B PLASTIC if adding ACV or it will react with. I intend to splosh bit in whenever change water as on net seems lotsa evidence good for all kinds of animals in lotsa ways n can't hurt. Wil takeyself regular.

Also read is good to help reduce stress when introducing new birds tho bit late for u but still might help!
that sucks!
are they just old or? (I tried to read back but couldn't find anything)

Back to the snakes if you put a couple of moth balls under the coop it's supposed to repel them
Very sorry to hear that Christie! A bad time for you...

CM - probably would do worms in humans I would think?!? From google search it does heaps of things tho can't vouch for anything at this point. In humans it may: reduce cholesterol; help with diabetes; fix bad breath; help acne; aid digestion; speed up metabolism so help lose weight (3 doses a day); sort out yeast infections; boost immune system; sort out a queasy stomach from eating food that's too greasy. Probably a lot more but that's all I can remember

As said I cannot say it DOES but lotsa info on web suggests lotsa people use it for variety reasons! Also good dogs cats horses cows etc

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