Australians - Where are you all????

Wowsers that's some useful stuff. I wonder if it'll get rid of wrinkles too......
Quorn is awesome!! The 'crispy fillets', 'mince', 'pieces' and lasagne are the best. Don't go near the nuggets though!

I feed it to my partner when he comes over, he thinks I'm so nice to cook him chicken even thought I'm vego

It's been two years and he hasn't worked it out yet! It's great stuff, even the texture is meaty.

I also make spaghetti bolognese with the mince and people can't tell the difference.

As for tofu, any pre-marinated tofu is discusting. Most brands are gross too. The best I've found is the Blue lotus brand (for a pic of the packet
slice it into 1.5cm thick slabs, marinade it in the kikkoman brand chilli soy sauce stuff, then cook it in a pan till the sauce goes thick and caramelises! I have meat ADORING friends request my "spicy tofu slabs"

... now I'm hungry!!
OMG YUMMO!!! The tofu sounds amazing, will try it next time for sure. I cut mine into little cubes and fry it with a dash of soy sauce in the oil. It goes all crispy and salty. I usually let it cool and chuck it into salads, if there's any left after I've picked at it (just one more little piece...) Mmmmmmm...
HI everyone I am from Victoria we have a 24 week old hen that is crowing like a rooster. Given we are in a suburban area this is not a good thing. can anyone please advise what we should do. We have had no eggs.

1 hubby, 3 children and 1 chicken
Christie, so sorry to hear about your flock. Have they been looking unwell or is it all very sudden? How awful for you. Hope you can save the last two.

Orchid, hate to say it but it sounds like your 'hen' may not be a hen. Where did you get her/him from and how old was he/she when you got him/her? (jeez, I'm confusing myself now) Some places will take back a rooster for a small 'donation', others will swap for an equivalent aged hen, usually also for a fee. Good luck and let us know how you go
Could you post a few more photos? One of the head, a side on and one from the top. Just to make sure you've got the sex right.
But I'm thinking that she is behaving like this because she is alone.
When I first moved into the place that I live now there was a wild chicken. She was set free a few owners of the property ago. But every morning at five she would crow. It was a terrible sound, but still crowing. She did this because she was by herself. So the only one to take up the dominant role. I've since caught her and joined her into my lady coop. She has stopped crowing. Maybe she thinks there's no need since there is 20 boys making enough noise for everyone.

Chickens are flock animals, one chicken just doesnt work. I suggest you get a friend/s for her. There may be some fighting at first to sort out who's boss but that will end and she'll be that happiest chooky ever.
Once I'm sorry to hear that Christie..

Animalian. Thanks for the heads up on the Quorn n tofu. What shop do u buy it from? Coles would b convenient Drakes would b better lol. What state u in? Seemed to b two types tofu on webpage? Assume ur slabs r like chips. First time ever keen to try tofu. Is only soybean isn't it? N what IS Quorn?

Yours tofu sounds good too CM

Orchid. Welcome!!! Have heard of chickens pretending to b roosters in the absence of a rooster n have heard it stops after awhile but no personal experience. My girls look like urs n started laying at twenty weeks but they were here for three weeks before that. How long have u had urs? May still b settling in n any frights etc can delay or put them off laying. Can't see whole lot from that pic. Can we have few more please especially head/tail. Roosters have their combs bigger n more forward on their heads n butt/tail bigger n different position. From what I see she looks female! R neighbors complaining? If can cover her house to keep sun out should keep her quiet early morning maybe til uncovered. Have u got dog crate u can put in laundry n cover so muffled if does do first thing in am?
Agree wholeheartedly GFG with lonely chicken theory!! Every chook book I've ever read stresses never have just one chook n I read a heap from library before got my babies

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