Australians - Where are you all????

I have uploaded the pictures of my worm farm in the thread "Help for the Newbies" if you would like to check it out. Very welcome to leave any comments.
Very cute Christie,
I don't know if I can stick to only 1 Silkie. I will see how she goes with the Australorps first and then maybe get another one.
Hi Steph

Welcome to BYC
. Unfortunately this thread seems to be no longer in motion however maybe we can revive it. I am not that new however I still feel like a beginner and there is so much to learn - you would think these are just chickens however there is a lot to learn and a lot to it from the time they are hatched, to the egg laying and all that goes in-between if you want to be successful with your chickens with limited problems. I learnt about a lot of things not to do thanks to all the others who shared their experience with us. I hope you enjoy your time on this web, there's a lot of info you can glean here and valuable information. The other Aussie thread that is going like wild fire is Australia - Six states..and that funny little island. You may want to join in there. All the best on your new venture.
I live in Canberra. Dont hold that against me though.
I am new to keeping chooks and am finding this site most helpful.
G'day! How's your Arvo going? MIne isn't too bad. I am down here in Melbourne - Eastern Burbs! Still pretty much right near the city sadly enough but, don't hold that against me. I'm new here & to having chickens. Glad to see other Aussies here! I had a pick at the for sale section & started wondering if it was an all American site.

Kindest wishes & blessings!

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