Australians - Where are you all????

Hi, thanks for replies.Do the rest of you Aussie owners have problems with pythons. Once mine are locked in their snake proof boxes at night, all is fine but I have had many casualties over the many years just on dusk. I have managed to rescue a lot but have lost others.
This guy (pictured with my dad) was one of the smaller ones I had to remove. As you can see no bulge so he did not get anyone. We relocated him many kms away in good rainforest.
I don't have problems with snakes just crows and magpies :/

Also, Dirtgirl what colour Silkies do you have?
I also have Silkies I currently have 10 of them

Heres a picture of one of my 4 youngest Silkies
I know it shouldn't but that picture cracks me up! How do they see? Is this hen or roo? I have never had silkies, not sure why.
Christie - yes I curremtly have 4 Silkies, I did have 6 initially. The 4 are White w. Grey head, one bright copper ( hence the name Julia Gillard) and 2 brown ones, I think known as partridge, but I can tell them apart as one has a much bouffier crown (Oprah Winfrey) than the other one (Miss Marples)
I also adopted 4 assorted Bantams a year ago, 1 Black ( very bossy) Polish, 3 assorted Cochins. Plus felt sorry for a plain black bantam, not sure of breed, that I saw alone in pet shop, so bought that last year!

None are particularly brilliant egg layers, but I just love having them in the garden, such peaceful girs, who calm me down. Even hubby stops his gardening to just watch them and has great fun feeding them all the curl grubs he can find!

I adore the colour of your Silkie. I love their beautiful natures. I am just after buying a couple more Silkies but have to wait for breeder to 'sex' them, as definitely can't have a Cockerill here in suburbia!!
It does become addictive having chickens around the place!
Christie - yes I curremtly have 4 Silkies, I did have 6 initially. The 4 are White w. Grey head, one bright copper ( hence the name Julia Gillard) and 2 brown ones, I think known as partridge, but I can tell them apart as one has a much bouffier crown (Oprah Winfrey) than the other one (Miss Marples)
I also adopted 4 assorted Bantams a year ago, 1 Black ( very bossy) Polish, 3 assorted Cochins. Plus felt sorry for a plain black bantam, not sure of breed, that I saw alone in pet shop, so bought that last year!
None are particularly brilliant egg layers, but I just love having them in the garden, such peaceful girs, who calm me down. Even hubby stops his gardening to just watch them and has great fun feeding them all the curl grubs he can find!
I adore the colour of your Silkie. I love their beautiful natures. I am just after buying a couple more Silkies but have to wait for breeder to 'sex' them, as definitely can't have a Cockerill here in suburbia!!
It does become addictive having chickens around the place!

I have 4 buffs ( Orange)
2 greys ( hen and a cockerel)
A white
and 3 Partridges.
I can sex silkies from about 10-12 weeks old.
Thank you for the kind comments on my little buff girl (Charlotte)

Silkies are soo addicting
Here is a picture of my grey hen Thunder
Great thanks. Will you keep both? How will that work? I imagine I will be facing the same problem soon.

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