Australians - Where are you all????

Hi qldchook,

I don't have any at the moment as waiting till we get out of the city. We would like to have a couple of hens here but not sure yet if the Shire will let us as yet. We are hoping to buy land soon and then we can have all the chooks that we want. What breeds do you have?
I have
HENS= one aracana, 1 Rhode Is x sussex, 1 x plymouth x sussex, 3 x pekin (cochin) bantams/ 3 pekins hens bred from my crew
Roosters+ my beloved 12 yr old cochin(pekin)/ 5 cochin boys I bred & 1x AracaunaX cochin I bred= 16 in total which is why the extension was built. Cochins are called Pekins in Oz & they are a truly beautiful breed in temprament & ease of care. I am sure allcouncils allow at least 2 hens. You will love it! Remember to snake proof though, it is my biggest problem.
Hi qldchook,

You have some very nice chooks there.I was an Ag show just last weekend and I saw the Sussex there but the breeder said they don't cope with the heat well here. How do you find your girls that are crossed with other breeds ie. the Rhode Island and Plymouth? I have not seen a Plymouth so I will need to look that one up.

I love the Pekin breed as does hubby so I promised him when we do get hens that he can have a mess of Pekins if he wants to. Now I was told that the Pekin make good sitters is this right? I spotted a Lavender Pekin at the show which is what sparked off a lengthy conversation with a lovely elderly lady at the show. All she has is the Pekins and she adores them to bits.

Okay how do I snake proof? I have also been told that I need to ensure the chooks are penned up at nights as we have a terrible fox problem here.
I have had pure bred sussex in NQ with no problem with heat. I have in the past had purbred plymouth & RIs red. The Plymouth are HUGE but also docile. However personally, I LOVE the Pekin or Pekin X. Excellent brooders, very gentle, friendly & do not tend to roam too far when free ranging. In some of my albums you will notice the night boxes inside the pens. I close mine in at nightfall to protect from all predators. Will talk more soon, I am meant to be working! You can PM me if you want to. Have a grea day..
I'm not entirely sure but it all depends on the breed lifestyle etc.
My lovely Rhode Island Red just dropped dead one day after only one day of looking a bit off :(
she was 5 yrs old but I don't think it was age that took her??
I have read that some chooks can last well beyond that too - would depend, with some, on how flighty/easily stressed they are as well as other factors.
The two in my pic are at least 5 yrs now and still laying reasonably well. I have 3 younger ones too :)
Gidday there! Another Aussie here from Parmelia in Perth, Western Australia (momentarily). Just brand new to this group of folks and still finding my way around the site. I will have a tone of questions as time goes by.

from the East coast of Oz

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